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Normal Map Question

Hi everyone,

I have been using 3ds Max 2008 for a few years and I finally upgraded to 2012 and I am encountering normal map issues that I have not had in the past. Here is a asset that I am working on (don't mind the place holder texture):

You can see the areas where my seams would be as there are harsh changes in lighting. It seems that I had little issues in 2008 Max when dealing with normals and nothing like this. It also seems that some of my older models don't look correct in the normal map as the light behaves differently on them. I am baking the maps from a higher poly model.

I guess I am wondering if I need to re-think the way I am making these maps or if anyone one else encountered this issue.

Thanks for your time and let me know if you need more information.


  • Corey Miller
    Honestly I would check your Smoothing groups they seem to be a bit off on where you pointing out seems. and May We see your Normal sheet?
  • EarthQuake
    Do you have two objects intersecting here?

    Merge them into one seamless object.


    Explode bake them.

    The highpoly "roundness" of shape A(little shape) is tracing down onto shape b(big shape).

    Also, post wires, normal texture, etc. Along with an untextured shot, preferable from the viewport.
  • Mark Dygert
    It looks to me like you need more padding? Also try what EQ suggested.

    Also did you change the low poly mesh after baking? Like change the smoothing groups or add/remove geometry, weld a few points or detach an element? All of that would fubar the normals and lead to all kinds of seams.
  • dinfet
    Thank you all for responding to my question!

    Here is the images that you requested:

    To answer the question I did not alter the model after the bake was made.
    Thanks again.
  • Corey Miller
    Your Normal map isn't showing much information and the uv's around that bend seem awkward.
  • Artist_in_a_box
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    Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
    On the smaller piece where it meets with the larger one the errors there are probably created by the low res not matching up properly with the high res. If the small and large piece are smoothed together on the high res then the best way to capture this part would be to add a small chamfer on that edge, it doesnt have to be big, just enough to cover the smoothed joint between the two parts.

    For the large curved areas on both the large and smaller sections ther problem is probably caused by the break in the UV's. (If its not your smoothing groups as stated above). In this situation my first reaction would be to individualy quick planar map every face on the rim of the piece and then stitch them individualy edge by edge to the large flat main piece. Its a bit of a ballache but it would make the entire piece welded which should eradicate the issue, the only real problem would be that it would make a bit of stretching on the UV's of the rim, wether thats acceptable or not is a judgement call.

    Hope it helps
  • dinfet
    Thanks for the suggestions I will try these things.
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