Hi all -
This is my first post, and I want to share with all of you my custom campaign for
Left-4-Dead 2,
Tour of Terror, which takes place in Eastern Europe. The project is more-or-less complete, though I may make some minor updates here and there.
I have an early beta trailer on my site, but it's very out of date, so I'm currently working on a revised trailer to show off the latest work. A lot of details went in since shooting that video, so I'll post the new one once it's done.
There's also lots of play through videos on YouTube, and I recommend viewing the latest postings that feature newer versions of the campaign. Here's an example from the latest version of the campaign (v 5.2):
LEVEL DESIGN & MAPS Brian Riggsbee
POSTER Matt Waggle
ADDITIONAL TEXTURES Brian Riggsbee, Drew Chiaro, Matt Waggle, Arthur Klein
MUSIC Valentino - Ponekad
Links:What Next?
I'm considering some different concepts right now for a new L4D2 campaign although I would prefer to group up with some other developers this time to make something more dynamic (e.g. not just be making the levels and some modelers).
If anyone is interested, please let me know.
Thank you for looking, and I hope some of you will play and review it. Feedback is welcome.
But we got best available server, and there was low gravity, speed move crouch... So I loaded it up local and same thing.
Tell me that isn't part of it please. About the only mod I enjoy is class change for infected.
Yup that's odd. The campaign should have standard rules unless the server is running something else. Maybe in your case you just needed a restart of L4D2 to clear out the weird server settings.
Boomer should be smaller. Smoker should be taller. It'd look better if you varied the letters in the title more instead of just using the stock font - Make the wear and tear on the Rs and Os look different, especially the two Rs next to each other. Remove the 72 from the Ts, too. imo
There is a new poster in the works, so I'm guessing this one won't be going through revisions. The boomer is a bit big, but then again, European cars are a bit small
Did notice the tank shadow before, that's cool.
We are playing a versus game tonight at 7:30 PST if you are interested. My steam name is novalin. Details are in the steam group as well.
Pros: Very detailed, if it wasn't for the voice acting missing at the beginning, could definitively been an official map to me.
Very Long: For me, it's a good point for add-on's map. Your public is made of people looking for new content for a video game they like, giving them more of it is always a good idea.
No bugs that I could find, nor area of the map from which I can get stuck and end up waiting for the zombies to kill me.
Make you feel lost: I like that the map make me feel lost, even if I'm actually moving forward. The right direction is visually more interesting and me, as a player, felt instinctively drawn towards the right direction. All this without actually making me feel like I was following a direct line. You go from buildings to old forteress, take a ride with a lift, run to the sound of the alarm, there's a lot going on, and you feel the map go by without getting a sense of it's limit.
Cons: I personnally think that the alarm in part 2 is way too long...or maybe I just didn't find the switch off button... that also could be it.
All in all, I give this the big 5/5, I dig it, and gonna play it again today.
Glad you enjoyed it, and thank you for the feedback.