Normally, we don't want bugs in our feature forums, but we're making an exception in this one case for CAT. We just want to quickly prioritize the issues and I don't know of any other faster way to do it. So, the process is:
This is cool. We've been trying to integrate CAT at work with Max 2011, but there are certain order of operations that can get it to crash. I'll ask around for a repro. We'll defiantly take advantage of this.
Yeah, we are using CAT in production now and there are a few shortcomings, a dedicated forum is definitely needed.
Can I really not link the central control (the big triangular one) to another object? :poly142: What do I do if I want a CAT character to use a vehicle etc.
Yeah, we've been using CAT in production as well. Would be nice if we had a cool CAT-related thread around here for posting bugs and workarounds, to help all of us out!
Can I really not link the central control (the big triangular one) to another object? :poly142: What do I do if I want a CAT character to use a vehicle etc.