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Mudbox Normal Map Extraction Question....Please Help :(

Alright I have been having this same problem for a while now and for the life of me cant figure out what I am doing wrong :(

I have a vehicle that I am working on and I would like some nice details bolts, panels ect.. But everytime that I try and exctract a normal map out of Mudbox I get some very weird looking normals. Stuff is projected in the wrong places, straight lines are skewed, and sometimes I get details where I have sculpted none. I have messed around with what I feel like is almost every setting in the Mudbox normal map extraction window,....Choose Samples, Methods, Search Distance, Coordinate Space EVERYTHING! and still i get some really weird looking normals.

I have tried beaking the model down into pieces and modeling and extracting the normal map individually and then compiling all the normal maps together. This worked much better for a more simple shape but still not GREAT.

My UV's seem to be fine, nothing is over lapping, face normals are in the right direction.....ARGHHH!!!!!

please help :( is there some major step that I am missing? Is there a little check box hidden away somewhere that makes everything in life okay?


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