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You can't fight in here, this is the war room! (UDK)

Started this a few days back, it's the war room from the film Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. Am planning on changing the concrete texture to one more like the film but was getting ahead of myself so thought I'd post this up now to get some feedback as this is my first non tiny environment :)

The scale on the design was much larger than in the final film


This is not intended to be an exact recreation but i would appreciate accuracy crits, The scales should be write they're done from set measurements, fire away :)


  • sneakymcfox
    quick update, added the beams
  • Limewax
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    Limewax polycounter lvl 6
    Its hard to be accurate in a scene we cant truly see. The reference pics you've shown show a very interesting space that works well for cinematography, but overall I dont think it will be appealing anyway you swing it recreating it inside of a game world. That being said, I'd love for you to prove me wrong.

    For me right now, the most interesting thing to look at is the lighting that they achieved through a black and white film. Jumping in to color right away might be a difficult approach, considering I've never seen the scene with color in it, so you're asking a lot from your audience.

    Another thing is that over all there isnt much to "model" here... its more of a texture, material, lighting and post process exercise. If you were looking for a portfolio piece and you're interested in those types of things, its better that you know now before you dive too deep.

  • Mute
    I'm not satisfied until I see the Big Board! lol

    I'm in agreement with Limewax here. It's difficult to visually connect this room to the film considering it's in color and you don't have much to show other than textures and lighting. If you want to add color, consider using very desaturated colors to lead back to black and white but give it an updated style.

    Also, I'm really feeling like this environment is much bigger in scale that the actual film set. If I'm wrong, I still feel that the environment is far to big to function for anything. I would consider downsizing a bit or finding ways to fill in all the empty space.
  • rsmith44
    I think the color scheme comes across more as the final table at a poker tournament instead of a government war room.

    the lighting and shadows look good but i would brighten it up a little so you could see the textures better everywhere. especially in the ceiling even though this going to be the darkest part of the room.

    but good work so far
  • SouthpawSid
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    SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
    man I cant wait until the giant screens get into this scene. GO GO GO

  • sneakymcfox
    @ limewax: I see what you were saying, but really as this was my first scene larger than a biscuit tin I wanted something that I could have a lot of ref and scales to fall back on, yet one where is still have freedom to take it in my own direction. Hence black and white movie seemed the ideal resource to draw from even if it is a little restrictive. Thanks for the advice.

    @ Mute: I have tried desaturating but ended up going a bit over board on it and pulled it back somewhat from there but still not sure whether I went too far but It definatly looks better and echos more of the original. thanks

    @ southpawsid: glad you like it

    Got in a half finished big board just to see, not sure I can really sell the lights behind the board look so may have to go with projectors. Desaturated and worked on the lighting a bit as well.



    Having a bit of trouble getting the scene capture reflect actor to work, have looked but can't find a solution to this though is probably just me being an idiot.

  • Alberto Rdrgz
    Offline / Send Message
    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    Hey Oscar, I hope this helps.


    ESCUSE THE stupidity. The bumpoffset is going into the Diffuse not the normal.

    That second mask adds a reflection distortion.

    Also, make sure to check off the ScreenPos Node.
  • sneakymcfox
    @Alberto Rdrgz: thank you for that got it working now :)
  • sneakymcfox
    Made a little more progress, as always I'm desperate for some feedback :)

    Will probably tackle the projectors next then the bench and banquet at the back of the room
  • burtonyang
    I'm curious to how those lights are hanging above the table. You can also break up the walls with little panels rather than have big ones everywhere like in this image.

  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Looks odd with color and without the film grain..

    Burton, look at the photos near the top of the thread, you can see the wires hanging down at angles from the ceiling.
  • PhilipK
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    PhilipK polycounter lvl 10
    I think your floor is pretty distracting at the moment. I'd make the seams way less apparent as well as maybe try out something that isn't just square tiles.
    Or if you do use square tiles, maybe you could have some different colored tiles around the table going in a circle, maybe even raise that circle a little so the table becomes even more of a center piece in your scene.

    When I think about it it seems like the ceiling could use a similar approach where it becomes kind of a circular shape above the table. There's also a great chance for some nice construction where the wires for the circular lamps are attached.
  • sneakymcfox
    @burtonyang: it's suspended on a sort of (PIC ), well I dunno what to call it but tried to make it, not so happy with it at the moment, will probably make a lighter one when I redo the concrete so it stands out

    @flaagan: I have been intending to add a film grain for a while but haven't got round to it, well have got a dodgey one now will probably change it for a better one later or get rid of it.

    @PhilipK: Yeah I see what you mean, toned the floor down a bit, darkened the spec and diffuse and made the reflections less apparent. The tiles around the base of the table are actually scuff marked and less reflective but that might be bit of a subtle effect really. I like the idea of raising the centre though will have to try that :)

    Tried to emphasize the table more as a centrepeice but may have gone overboard, as with the film grain. oh and fixed the dodgey beams, had forgotten to flip the green when taking it into UDK

  • Razgriz
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    Razgriz keyframe
    The beams are really throwing it off for me. They are quite off scale, about as thick as a person is wide, and it's providing less context for the massive screens, making them look smaller than they should be. I think if you seriously scale those beams down, the scale will feel a lot more natural.

    Also, fill this thing up! With stuff!
  • dpaynter26
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    dpaynter26 polycounter lvl 11
    monsters vs aliens has good ref lol this is a cool idea cant wait to see it finished
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    haha oh man, cool idea. not really feelin the green though. Makes me think poker table.

    the device holding the lighting in place is a bit clumbsy looking- I`d imagine something much more eloquent and minimalistic. The structure you have now has a bit of a carousel vibe.
    The top beams don't bother me in the scale department- I think it might be they need to be grounded with a beam running up the wall to meet them.
    Also- maybe some sort of trim running along the base of the wall to help marry the floor to walls might look nice.
  • sneakymcfox
    Finally got back around to this after work getting on top of me for a few weeks, got all of the big board finished, not so enthusiastic about the defcon one though, going with the scene in the immediate aftermath of a nuclear war, maybe with a dud bomb crashed through the ceiling, I'm not sure at this point :)

    @Razgriz I have to say I really like the beams how they are :) and filling it up is exactly what I plan to do next

    @konstruct Yeah well the original plans for the seen state green poker style table, before black and white was decided on so I went with that till I thought about it and can't find any other colour for it I really like, I like the visual metaphor for betting the fate of the world even if it is a little clumsy.

    Yeah I will come up with something of my own for hanging the lights, the more I look at it the worse it looks.

    A trim is a really good Idea I'll get onto that.



  • lloyd
    I think the floor should be darker, it needs to be very much part of the background and not stand out as much.

    black shiny tiles?
    maybe with brighter lighting and darker shadows it will feel better
  • tonysladky
    I think the thing for the lights doesn't need to be completely scrapped; there's just a few details where your execution is less appealing than the reference you posted.

    1. Your spokes are angled more up than the ones in the reference image. It's making it feel kinda like a circus tent. In the reference image, the spokes are almost parallel to the ground.
    2. The spokes aren't as long (or don't feel as long because of #1) as they are in the reference. That's causing the cords that the lights are hanging from to be at an unappealing angle. If the spokes were longer, the cords could be almost straight and then they wouldn't look quite so stressed.

    I'm wondering if the floor issues might be helped with larger tiles, sorta like it's just made up of six or seven big slabs of polished granite or marble instead of all those little tiles. Every government building I've ever been in has had big, important floors like that, with that sexy little detail of brass filling in the gaps between the tiles. It's been a while since, and I wasn't looking for those sorts of details, the last time I watched Dr. Strangelove, so I don't know what the floor was like in the actual War Room.

    That film grain is coming along nicely, and I love the composition of that bottom shot with the tiny chairs silhouetted against the Big Board. That'll probably be the one you want to lead with when showing this sucker in your portfolio.
  • sneakymcfox
    @lloyd: Yeah I see what your saying

    @tonysladky: I tried making it fall completely straight but that looked worse so settling on a half way point for now.
    And I tried your suggestion for sexy flooring but I really wasn't sure about it so just made an attempt to refine the current flooring as below, made the reflections blurrier and darkened the spec and diffuse to make everything else pop out against it
    and here is what the floor from the film looks like but I really dislike it
    thanks :)

    Haven't had much time to work on this of recent but still making steady progress, All the large things are complete now to move onto smaller details.
  • sneakymcfox
    want to break the habit of never finishing anything but have no time to spend on this so think I may call this done.
  • Seirei
    I like the progress this made so far, I'm realy interested in the final piece.

    Btw, the table looks gread to play poker on it! :D
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    I love this movie!

    Looks pretty spot on to the reference you have, but its pretty empty though. This might be one of those projects where you might have to go off on a tangent and add more stuff in the scene. Populate it with servers, coffee machine, old school computers, a fish tank, ect.
  • tristamus
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    tristamus polycounter lvl 9
    Your definitely getting there, keep it up man.

    If I can ask you, how do you get reflections like so in your tiles on the ground there? It adds a nice touch to the scene, but I can't seem to mimic the effect inside of UDK on my own :o - Pic of your material setup, perhaps? ;]
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