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Resume Review

Hi, this is my resume. I need to get professional review for my class. I hope anyone can help me. Any advice will be helpful. Thank you very much.

Utilize my education, technical and communication skills to do some benefits and have better involved into university life, working environment and gain more experience.

Purdue University West Lafayette. USA.
Major: Bachelor of Science in Computer Graphics Technology
Concentration: Interactive multimedia and design, Computer Animation.
GPA: 3.4/4.0.
Estimated Graduate in May, 2012.

 Computer Animation Software: Autodesk Maya(strong). Autodesk 3Ds Max.
 CAD modeling Software: Autodesk Inventor. Solidworks(strong). NX. Autodesk AutoCAD.
 Graphics and layout Design Software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator (strong). Apple Aperture.
 Web Programing Language and Software: HTML, CSS, PHP (Basic). MySQL (Basic).
Adobe Flash, Adobe Dreamweaver (Basic). ActionScript. Processing.
 Video Composition software: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere. Apple Final Cut (Basic).
 Information and technical problem solving for operating system: Windows(strong), Mac OS.
 Other software Skills: Microsoft Office (Basic). Apple iWork (Basic). Apple iLife (Basic).
 Artistic Skills: Photography(strong). Filmography(strong). Painting. Sculpture.

Working and activity Experience
 2008.05-2008.08. Photographer and layout designer for Purdue Calumet newspaper office.
 2010.05 Study abroad Program: Visual Communication in Argentina: Images with Messages
 2010.02-2011.03. Information and Technical Assistant for iTap (Information Technology at Purdue) in CIVL building under EAS department.
 2010.04. Volunteer as Media and advertising Group lead for Chinese Students Association (PUCSSA) in Purdue West Lafayette.
 2011.05 Study abroad Program: Ceramic Design in Denmark.
 2011.08 Modular Environment Design research project.
 2011.08 Environmental modeling lead for Level 3 project in siggraph.


  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    This is an art forum, we need ART too look at.
  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    pics pics pics pics
  • Clark Coots
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    Clark Coots polycounter lvl 13
    just a quick glance, reverse your work experience order, most recent first. Some Skills you say (Basic) or (Strong) and for some programs you don't say anything, like 3Ds Max. Its inconsistent and makes me wonder if you have actual skill with those programs or you're just putting it on your resume. Capitalize titles. I don't see your name anywhere.
  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    Man, too much stuff on the skills.
    I don't say you don't master them, but 3/4 of them won't be use during work.
    I would keep the most important, those that will make you work on a studio:
    - 3ds Max
    - Maya
    - Photoshop
    - Photography, Filmography, Painting, Sculpting

    Do you use another software kit? Unreal, CryEngine, ZBrush, Mudbox, xNormal?
    Theses are highly used in studios (I mean, just master 1 game engine is a huge plus).

    By the way, what's a GPA? I don't think people will worry about your marks, they just want to see what YOU can do for them, which mean, portfolio is #1.

    For your work experience, always start by the most recent, not by the oldest.
    And since you have a lot of activities, I would only keep mostly industry-related experiences.

    Good luck!
  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    Write your name, title, and contact info. somewhere, and don't put a period after everything. Also, I didn't understand your objective; something like this might be better, even though it is still a bit vague:

    To utilize my technical and communication skills in a working environment.

    Take out your GPA:

    Purdue University
    Bachelor of Science in Computer Graphics Technology
    2008 (?) - current

    There is too much going on in your skills section. I wouldn't put 'basic' or 'strong' anywhere, just simply list what you are proficient in. Something a little simpler, like this:

     Maya
     3Ds Max
     Photoshop
     Illustrator
     Web Programming Language and Software: HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL
     Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere. Apple Final Cut
     Photography, Filmography, Painting, Sculpture

    Also, as mentioned above, list experience from newest to oldest.
  • Anthy9986
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    Anthy9986 polycounter lvl 7
    Presentation wise you should put it in a document and save it as a .pdf so we have something aesthetically to critique.
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