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Turtle Bust

polycounter lvl 18
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Pennywise polycounter lvl 18
Working on learning ZBrush. I still need to finish up the shell and clean up the back of the bandana, but its getting there I think. I also want to add a base so him and then try and figure out poly painting. Having a lot of fun with ZBrush so far. Any other crits or comments are more then welcome.



  • Pennywise
    Offline / Send Message
    Pennywise polycounter lvl 18
    Latest update. Just about done with modeling I think, I want to add a few more details. Then it will be on to painting.

  • jmt
    The cloth doesn't really look like cloth. It's very thick and the way it comes to a point at the end, it looks like rabbit ears.

    The bandana shouldn't push the skin in like that. It's causing a "muffin top" sort of effect.

    I would cut the body/arms/shell off at the same point because right now that looks kind of awkward. The body looks pretty small compared to the size of the head.

    Shouldn't there be straps to hold his swords on? What's the tube thing?
  • Pennywise
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    Pennywise polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the critique.

    The bandana has been giving me problems, still working on that.

    I did not model the straps on the swords, because they would be further down on the shell. I was thinking about extending the body more to include that. as for the tube, that the TCRI ooze canister. Its going to be broken open with the ooze leaking out onto the manhole cover.
  • AnimeAngel
    looks pretty good. think his shoulders and shell could use to be a bit wider though.
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