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Reapplying after "failed" phone interview?

polycounter lvl 18
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mookster polycounter lvl 18
I apologize if the question has come up before, but I tried a search and didn't see anything.

Last year I completed an art test and actually got a phone interview with art leads for the company. Don't think the interview went well as I was really nervous and it was also my first opportunity to get a studio job. Today, randomly browsing the internet, I noticed that there is another opening for the same position.

My question is if I were to reapply would my interview and art test from last year have any impact on getting anywhere this time around?

If anyone who is in the position to interview potential employees could answer this, that would be great. I'd also like to know, would you give someone a second chance if you liked there work and the art test but had an issue with the phone interview?


  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17
    Yes. If they didnt flat out tell you that you were wierd and that they dont want to hire you because you were such a wierdo, then by all means yes. Maybe you didnt get the job because they had other, more experienced candidates etc. Its also good if you have kept working on your folio, its one of the things people look for aswell, if your skills have increased since last time. Someone motivated who is constantly improving himself is a good investment.

    I didnt get my first job, even after art test, and on-site interview. Got a job at that studio 8 months later or so instead :]
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Apply again, but only if you can demonstrate that you have improved in a year.
  • mookster
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    mookster polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the replies, they make sense.
    No wasn't told I was flat out weird, I was actually complimented for the test I turned in by everyone I spoke to.
    I still have the art leads contact info should I send an email, or would it be more appropriate to just apply through the website. I'm thinking website, but I'm really unsure.
  • EarthQuake
    Apply again, but only if you can demonstrate that you have improved in a year.

    Right, make sure you have some new and improved work to show them, or spend two weeks working on a really killer portfolio piece targeted specifically to the style of games they create.
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    mookster wrote: »
    I still have the art leads contact info should I send an email, or would it be more appropriate to just apply through the website. I'm thinking website, but I'm really unsure.

    If you have the e-mail address send the e-mail. But just one. But also apply on the website because that guy may no longer work there or might overlook the e-mail.

    Remind him that you took a test previously and they liked it. Also mention a new position was posted on their website and you are still interested in working there.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    I had a look at your portfolio, I quite like your work.

    The two sculpts are your weakest pieces, they have a lack of definition. No punch.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    I say go for it! it doesn't hurt trying it would help more if you had new work to show also :)
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Yeah, your work is quite nice.

    I would apply again after you've made a few more diverse pieces.

    You could still find work at places that still needs Hand-Painted texture artist (aka most of the industry).

    If anything I would start shoring up your sculpting skills a bit more. You've obviously got a lot of talent.
  • schebbe
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    schebbe polycounter lvl 8
    As Snefer said, if they didn't tell you that they would never hire you then I don´t see why you couldn't apply again.

    If getting to phone interview stage but not further would mean that you burned the bridge to that company then I think people would be very afraid of applying for their dream jobs if they only got that one chance.

    I recently had an phone interview that didn't go the way I wanted to. I was very nervous and it didn't help that it was in English either, a language I have no problem talking, but under pressured situations combined with nervousness I easily get a shaky voice and choke.

    I haven't received an answer yet, but I am still very disappointed in myself because I wasn't able to keep calm. But if I am no longer being considered for the position then I hope I will be able to apply again in the future with better art and with more control over my nerves.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    I'm curious as to why a studio wouldn't contact you again after a phone interview? If you did an art test and were contacted afterwards they obviously have an interest in your work. If they ignore you after that point is it less an issue of work quality and more that they think you wouldn't be a good fit for them?

    I've had something similar happen to me where I thought things were going well then after the phone interview communication stopped.
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    mookster wrote: »
    I apologize if the question has come up before, but I tried a search and didn't see anything.

    Last year I completed an art test and actually got a phone interview with art leads for the company. Don't think the interview went well as I was really nervous and it was also my first opportunity to get a studio job. Today, randomly browsing the internet, I noticed that there is another opening for the same position.

    My question is if I were to reapply would my interview and art test from last year have any impact on getting anywhere this time around?

    If anyone who is in the position to interview potential employees could answer this, that would be great. I'd also like to know, would you give someone a second chance if you liked there work and the art test but had an issue with the phone interview?

    I would say to apply again.

    The first time I applied for a studio I received no response. After a year or so, they contacted me again and asked if I had an updated portfolio because they had an opening that would interest me. And that lead to my first job in the industry (remote contract work for a now defunct brazilian studio).
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    re-apply, if they contacted you before, it means before your were at-least good enough to spark some interest, so if you show you grown and gotten better since than you might get the job.
  • mookster
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    mookster polycounter lvl 18
    Rick Stirling: Wanted to single you out real quick. I haven't been a regular member since discovering polycount back in q2pmp days, but I do try to keep up with most of the useful post's and the great art here. I just wanted to thank you for the tips and articles on your site, they have come in handy on many occasions, especially the earnings and how many polys in a piece of string ones. Thanks.

    LRoy: Those are my exact concerns. I emailed the lead afterwards to thank him for everything and he emailed back and said to keep an eye out but then nothing. So I don't know I just assumed they got someone with more experience.

    I have some new pieces that I was contracted for but I don't think they would help with this position. I have another zbrush piece I started and plan to create a current gen piece from, so I should be able to revamp my portfolio soon and go through the application process again. Should probably put a wip thread up :)

    Thanks everyone, really helpful advice. Hope it helps others as well.
  • mookster
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    mookster polycounter lvl 18
    Wow my memory is horrible lately. I actually just remembered I did hear back. After the thank you email and reply back I received two (yes two :D ) rejection emails. I applied to two of the studios through NCsoft's website though and had one contact me, it was just weird to receive them both at the same time.

    A quote from the emails read "We have reviewed the qualifications of each candidate and after careful consideration, we have determined that the credentials of other candidates may better fit our needs at this time." So there you go.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    If someone doesn't call you back after a phone interview, it doesn't mean that they would never consider you again. It may just mean they found someone who they liked better, or their budgets got cut in the middle of their search. Don't over think it. You don't know what happened on their end, and most places won't go through their previous interviewees when they need to hire again.
  • Mcejn
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    Mcejn polycounter lvl 12
    Sorry to hear that man. Most of the time it's a long and often grueling process trying to get a job. Best of luck!
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    rats :(, well your stuffs really nice so keep working at it.
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