DOG-GY. Yes I actually DID texture my high poly... which I later learn was a totally waste of time. Pretty much had to redo the job on my low poly gun.=(
Not very clear. I guess the first screenshot contain the low poly AND the high poly with wireframe. Well, the first screenshot is a bit small, hard to find errors.
There's a lot of waste UV space you can use, so the texture will beneficent of it and get a higher resolution. Can you make a bigger screenshot of it, please? So we can provide you more efficient feedback.
The texture is allready at highest res. You are right about the waste of UV. I have seen great guys where the UV-map consists of loads of small chunks. I dont know how they do to keep track of what texture part they are actually paintintg in PhotoShop.
MUUUUUCH BETTER! now its starting to look like metal instead of concrete. funny enough.. your diffuse looks like it should be your spec.. and vice versa.
Yeah ditch the gradients in the specular texture also. It's like baked in lighting, big no no. You will naturally get shines like that if you setup your specular right. Which will also involve getting the specular power (or gloss if you prefer to call it that) values right. This is often done as a separate texture, I prefer to put mine in the alpha channel of my specular textures.
See how it's starting to make big improvements already though?
That unwrap HAS to go, to be sure. It also doesn't look 1:1 pixel density. I would focus on those issues before you even thought about a texture.
Also, looking at the "high", its simply not high enough. NEVER make edges like this: |_________| They simply wont show up on the normal map. Make them like this instead: \________/
oh well looks as if I have to redo the whole thingy.
Had to google what 1:1 pixel density is.
A bit confusing. Does it mean that one pixel on texture plate roughly should take up the same spot as it would in the real physical gun? Or does it simply meen that the textureplate should be equally scaled?
About the edges, I have modeled with a smooth preview in mind. Wrong techinic?
Diffuse, Spec, Normal ( 1024*1024 each)
Not very clear. I guess the first screenshot contain the low poly AND the high poly with wireframe. Well, the first screenshot is a bit small, hard to find errors.
There's a lot of waste UV space you can use, so the texture will beneficent of it and get a higher resolution. Can you make a bigger screenshot of it, please? So we can provide you more efficient feedback.
I toned down the scratches in diffuse a lot then redid the whole specMap. In the spec map I removed all cloudes and used more even gradiants for spec.
Render in game engine
New spec map
new diffuse map
See how it's starting to make big improvements already though?
Also, looking at the "high", its simply not high enough. NEVER make edges like this: |_________| They simply wont show up on the normal map. Make them like this instead: \________/
Had to google what 1:1 pixel density is.
A bit confusing. Does it mean that one pixel on texture plate roughly should take up the same spot as it would in the real physical gun? Or does it simply meen that the textureplate should be equally scaled?
About the edges, I have modeled with a smooth preview in mind. Wrong techinic?
So having a 1:1 pixel density means the 1:1 with each uv element/shell in relation to each other.
Textools allows you to select all your uv pieces and do it with the press of a button (Normalize).