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Hyperion: Super Pre-Alpha Edition Demo of Awesome

polycounter lvl 17
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Indecom polycounter lvl 17
Indecom presents unto you dudes: Hyperion: the performance edition! Lol, this project has been a labor of love of mine for the better part of a year, of course off and on since i had a real life job to do until recently lol. This game was inspired by one of those pixel art mockup contests done a while back, demaking a game onto the gameboy. I was actually inspired by seeing vpk's retro demake of doom 3, which you can see here: http://www.wayofthepixel.net/pixelation/index.php?topic=5016.0

There i sat and pondered what it would take to actually produce something that looked like that, and decided to make a video game that would be the next generation of oldschool gaming. This is a term that I coined myself, yet it fits my idea perfectly. I want to create a game that has the look and feel of an oldschool game, but with features that you only get in next generation titles, like:

*dynamic lighting with realtime soft shadows and baked in lighting
*super smooth pixel perfect animation (even procedural animation eventually)
*keyboard and mouse based control system that requires the player to actually aim rather than place the mouse on an enemy on the opposite side of the screen.
*robust particle system
*weapon randomizor (aka near infinite number of guns, with different buffs)
*customizable weapon hotkey so you can define your experience
*weapon and item upgrade system
*rpg inspired dialogue system

Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg, and not all of this will be featured in this tech demo that i'm about to link you to, since this demo is mostly for performance testing. I suppose i should also probably link you guys a screenshot to grab your interest rather than blabbing on forever lol. So here are some links:

I'd like to know how this performs on your machines, to uncap the frame rate press control, and let me know your highest frame rate, as well as your pc specs, feel free to post your feedback here on this topic, or to the email address included in the readme file. I've put a LOT of time and effort into this, and you're barely seeing the work i've done in this file alone. If you have any feedback at all on anything you see, I want to hear it. Btw, to quit press escape, and to go full screen press alt-enter.

Thanks for taking your time to check this out, I hope all the work i'm putting into this pays off and you have a good experience playing with this little demo.


  • Mike Yevin
    Offline / Send Message
    Mike Yevin polycounter lvl 11
    i love it, the tech is super awesome as well. i get 60 capped fps and ~145 uncapped fps.

    intel i5 2500k o/c to 4.2 ghz cpu
    nvidia gtx 560 superclocked 2gb gpu
    16gb g.skill pc3 12800 ram
    500gb 7200rmp hdd
  • maxivz
    Offline / Send Message
    maxivz interpolator
    I got 60 caped and 232/243 uncaped
    phenom ii 3,2 black edition
    4gb of ram ddr3
    ati 6670 saphire
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 17
    Awesome, thanks for the compliment. What do you think of the interaction system? Just use your imagination to imagine (lol) that the dude is actually not just floating around lol. You think this system will work well?
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    I get "Unexpected error when running the game"
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 17
    what are your specs leilei? operating system as well
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    Pentium II 300MHz, DirectX 8.1, Windows 98SE

    It was GameMaker; I had to try.
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 17
    ah yea, as far as i'm aware this is only compatible with windows xp and higher.
  • Stinkhorse
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    Stinkhorse polycounter lvl 12
    My machine ate it alive without the cap on. I'm still super excited about this project. How are you putting this together anyway? How is the lighting and soft shadowing going to work?
  • Joopson
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    Joopson hero character
    Got 60 fps capped, and for whatever reason, only 79 or 80 fps uncapped. Odd.
    Windows 7 home premium 64 bit SP1,
    Intel core i5 cpu 650 @ 3.20GHz,
    6.0GB RAM,
    NVidia GeForce GTX 550 Ti. (Which is, I believe, 1 GB)

    Edit: Just updated drivers to the latest, and now I sit around 95 to 97, uncapped.
  • Two Listen
    Offline / Send Message
    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    This is awesome.

    Got a constant 60fps capped, ~200fps constant uncapped.

    Vista Home Basic - 64bit
    AMD Phenom II X4 940 @ 3Ghz
    Radeon HD 6950 (2GB)
    8GB DDR2
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 17
    @joopson: Do you have vsync forced on in your driver settings? that can lower the frame rate for you if you do, of course it also keeps the screen from tearing, but in any event, as long as you are getting over 60 fps, then it'll be okay, since i still have plenty of optimization's to take care of.

    I'm really appreciating all the positive feedback i'm getting from this, guys. Really helps me to know that all the hard work i've put into this is paying off.

    @stinkhorse: Well the soft shadows are already implemented in this demo, though they could use a little tweaking to increase the effect. The lights and shadows honestly are really here for atmosphere. I'm looking to create a really dark, gritty, terrifying atmosphere. Which as far as i'm aware, hasnt been done in such a limited palette and resolution.

    Keep up the comments guys, i'm working on the next update as we speak, probably going to implement more shaders into how the actual framework is handled, so that should hopefully improve performance even more.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    This is so fucking cool. That's... pretty much all I have to say.

    Well, visibility (in a real sense, not so much in an atmospheric, mood-building sense) could be an issue depending on where you take the gameplay, but man, it looks shit-hot. :D

    Out of curiosity, are you doing your lighting via pixelart normal maps, so to speak? And I guess some sort of palletised ramping?
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 17
    I've actually thought about using hand pixeled normal maps, and have actually created quite a few to test out the idea, but right now, there are no normal maps in use, but i am using a specific color ramp, and have the intent to give the player the ability to customize that color ramp =D
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    I reckon normal maps could be [potentially] pretty cool in there, though I suppose it could get tricky deciding whether a pixel should "face" up or left/right in areas. :p

    Love the idea of a custom lighting ramp :D
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 17
    actually it was pretty simple creating the normal maps that i did, had to sample from a spherical normal map sample and basically just used my best judgement to pick the points from the sphere that best represented the current pixel. However, i may reintroduce the effect later if i decide to focus on shaders more.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Uncapped 69~70

    Intel Q9300
    8Gb DDR2 800
    Radeon 4770 512Mb
    All stock stuff, nothing overclocked.
    Windows 7 Home Premium X64 SP1

    Also, here's some feedback:
    The pixel art feel is nice, but right now it's very very noisy and overly dithered. This does not benefit the game, and you should really start working with larger surface areas. That one glass plate just below the spawn for instance, it is very very hard to see what it is. I literally spent some time just looking at it trying to find out what it was.

    Also, VPK's work very clearly uses different tones to indicate foreground and background: the computers are only the darkest two colors for the most part, while characters, floors and ceilings are mostly the lightest tones. You have a few more colors to work with, but you should still keep a clear separation of 'planes' in the game.

    Lastly, the controls feel off. Not the wasd movement, I know there's no physics and collision etc. I'm talking about the light/mouse. The snapping is rather annoying, as is the fact I can not move the cursor further than X away from the character.

    I believe that the current dark is too dark. Have some more ambient light around the computer screens etc, and have a stronger flashlight. For something from the future, it's got darn little light output.

    Don't get me wrong - this has MASSIVE amounts of potential, but right now it's not feeling too great.
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 17
    @snader: what do you think of the effects or the gui control scheme?

    btw in the next update a fix is featured that will keep the gui elements from blending into the background since they share the same color palette.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    Capped = 60fps
    Uncapped = 74-76fps

    Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
    Intel Q9400 @ 2.66GHz (No overclocking)
    8GB RAM
    280GTX (1GB)

    Loving the style you're going for. Please post more. Do you have a dev blog anywhere that might have more detailed info about the development side of the project?

    I like the cursor snapping to objects, but I wonder if it needs to be quite as heavy. If you make it snap 50 - 75% less, that'd probably be a nice way to lock onto objects.
  • aivanov
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    aivanov polycounter lvl 5
    Capped: 60 FPS
    Uncapped: 84 FPS

    Intel Core i7 950 @ 3.07 GHz
    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
    12GB RAM
    GeForce GTX 480 @1.5GB RAM
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    had to sample from a spherical normal map sample
    Yeah, I've used that trick before to dick around with painting normal maps for fun :p
  • Stinkhorse
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    Stinkhorse polycounter lvl 12
    Actually the last horror game I played that had this level of pixillation was Silent Hill (the first one) and the result of all that grain was the player being forced to sort of fill in the blanks. It was one of the scariest experiences I've had in a game, so if that effect holds with your game you should be just fine.

    The one thing I's suggest would be different effects depending on where and how you shoot whatever enemies you include in the game. It makes a big impact (no pun intended) on the suspension of disbelief.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    out of curiosity, Can you add multiple light sources? place lights like you would in any other editor?

    This looks really sweet, I'm looking forward to seeing where you take it.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    I'd like to know how these Core i#'s perform the demo much slower. Do you guys have Hyperthreading enabled?

    I'm seeing 175fps here on my AMD X2.
  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    ooo downloadin!
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    sweet, I love pixel art games soooo goooooddd. Thanks for sharing :D
  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13

    Oh this sh*t is so friggin cool man, seriously! Like, dynamic lights & shadows... In teeny tiny pixels like that? THAT IS SO RAAAADDD! :D

    You gotta get this finished. I'm a fan already!

    Oh and with my shitty ass computer I get an average FPS of 60/105 (capped/uncapped).

    Win 7 x64 SP1
    AMD Phenom x3 (more like xD) 2,4 Ghz
    4,0 Gt RAM
    GeForce GTX 260 (oc)
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Oh, totally forgot to mention performance. Didn't measure the frame rate, but I'm getting flawless framerates at home and at work.

    core i5 2400
    gtx 560
    8 gb

    Core2 Quad Q9550
    gtx 280
    8 gb

    One odd thing I noticed is slight hue shifting when the camera is panning, though it could be my eyes playing tricks on me. When static, I'm getting an overall brown tone, but when I move, the colors hue shift to a greenish tint. Is that intentional?
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 17
    That hue shift is probably your eyes playing tricks on you with the low level of lighting. I'm actually working on redesigning how the lighting is handled at its core to try and allow for a bit of a performance boost.

    Also I'm going to set up a devblog on an old site i was running a while back, with a fresh update and some new content, including a big fat donate button, so i can at least try to afford rent this month lol.

    Hey i've got my devblog up and running again, you can check the link in my signature, and be sure to follow me!!

    Thanks for the constructive feedback, i'm actually tweaking my tilesets and sprites to make them not so noisy so that should improve the visibility of the game a good bit, and i'll also be spending some good time actually setting up proper lighting when it comes time to actually design the playable levels, so things won't always be so dark.
    As for your concerns with the crosshair, that's actually intentional that you can't move it too far from the character, because i believe that it takes away from the reality that i'm trying to add, in order to shoot someone you need to aim at them, you dont just place a crosshair on top of them and click on them, that also makes it so you can't just pick up some object on the other side of the screen. Makes interaction local, just like in real life. Now i may add some technology that gives the player the ability to reach things from afar, such as a gravity gun or telekinesis ray or something, but that wouldnt become available until later in the game.
  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    This thread deserves a bump!
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for the bump 9skulls, i'm currently planning an advanced mist/fog/steam shader that creates the look of a more realistic fluid dynamic using shaders to distort the steaminess :)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    For some reason at first I thought it had some sort of specular highlight, quickly discovered my eyes were just being stupid, it'd be cool if you could pull something like that off though.
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 17
    Yea that's just your mind playing tricks on you as well lol. however that could be possible but i'm not sure how practical it would be really, without adding in normal mapped lighting. Anyways, i'm making some progress on this lately, been working on the possible liquid physics system for it, as well as spending most of my time lately on my halloween project. I'm making my own freddy krueger mask, so i'll probably post that on here somewhere when it's finished :P
  • tremarel
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    tremarel polycounter lvl 11
    I like this pixel goodness. Great work man.

    Cap:60 Uncap:98-100
    AMD Phenom Quad-Core 2.2GHz
    8Gb DDR2
    HD5770 512

    Cap:35-45 Nevermind uncap:P
    Laptop AMD Athlon XZ 1.8GHz
    3GB DDR2
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 17
    lol thanks for testing it out twice apparently. Work is slowly progressing on this project, Halloween is taking precedence at the moment lol.
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 17
    well guys I have some sad news. This project may need o be started all over. My hard drive may be toast and I've had o flash drve to backup my data on. I'm going to try and salvage what I can but itt maynot be much. Would be a great time to try and get fundng to finish this though. Wanted to have more to show off but thanks to my luck this is all I've got.
  • Delko
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    Delko polycounter lvl 17
    Damn that blows, is there any way to decompile the demo build you posted and get some coding back?
  • Envart
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    Envart polycounter lvl 6
    This is pretty badass! 60 fps capped, 160 uncapped. i5 2500k, 8gb dd3.
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 17
    Hey guys, I'd like to thank you for the support you've given me on this project. Unfortunately Hyperion in it's current itteration is no more. I've decided to spend my time working on an action rpg called miniFlake, which is another old project of mine that i've had to restart due to computer issues. However Hyperion will be picked back up again once miniFlake is published on the ios, android, pc and mac platforms. However the next itteration of Hyperion will be first person shooter, still retaining everything that made this pixelated version so unique :)
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