Hey guys i am currently working on my dissertation and wanted to get opinions and discussions about my subject.
So yeah my question is in the title, basically meaning, why do people enjoy getting themselves scared or others love to see an enemy get butchered.
If theres anything you would want to say about this idea, please please please don't hesitate to comment!

Here is the link. http://www.librosgratisweb.com/pdf/king-stephen/night-shift.pdf
This is more focused on the macabre and getting scared. I'll try to gather my thoughts and put them into a comment, gotta run for now. But maybe that read will prove interesting to spark more conversations.
Once things get "too violent" I get pretty turned off to a game so I don't actually like to see an "enemy get butchered" in the games I play, perhaps it's a matter of taste? or empathy?
or other boardgames like ludo.. why do we play that? well here is what I think could be an answer;
the theme/violence/visuals does not count when you are mentally fine, you have "pleasure" about being able to outsmarting something (AI- Artificial Intelligence)/someone(other players)
and it is funny to be able to reach a certain task which is set to reach.
The theme/violence/visuals are just there to inform you how you are working it out.
Yeah, pretty much this.
There's a need for adrenaline and violence deep down in the reptile brain with a big a control over us as procreation, and with any modern society currently in peace most take it out in sports and games where it can be controlled and be done with minor harm to anyone.
Additionally, some might not be into this, but most will.
I think it goes back to where being the active aggressor would ensure your victory and thus your chances to procreate and spread your genes, nature favored the violent dominant humans over most species.
I found that its the ones who aren't easily scared that funny enough avoid horror games because it bores them. Whereas the scaredy cats seem to love it because they see it as a challenge to overcome.
Hope that helps.
I don't know a lot about biochemistry, but if fight/flight response is followed by reactions that help body deal with stressful situations, then it's not surprising that triggering it artificially (extreme sports, scary games, bar fights) is quite effective way of dealing with accumulated stress.
Also games with good gameplay can be fun, and from my understanding, people enjoy fun.
I agree that it can be used as a way to vent. For example you can't get road rage if you're listening to angry music in the car.
You also have to remember one more thing, games which have violence and scary elements rewards the player when they achieve something.
Think about Amnesia, safe houses, story progression, new things which we struggle with fighting and overcoming a challenge. The narration forcing us to progress because we WANT to see what happens next.
Same with God of War for example, new weapons, new enemies to kill, new moves, you get the gist.
Problem is ANY educational game out there doesn't have this. All the elements are tepid at best, and resort to "OH, you did it! Yay, continue to next area and solve X,Y,Z". I might as well watch Dora the Explorer while at it.
I've always found it kind of strage though that games that are nothing about fighting, such as super smash brothers, are a ~T rating, when violence is something that should be more frowned upon than sex, which will either get an M or an AO rating, at which point the game wont even ship.
I play violent games because they are better way to take out anger.
The ESRB rating system is retarded and unfair, I don't get why console manufactures support them, I know steam doesn't requite esrb ratings.
Because Steam dosnt sell there products in Walmarts and Bestbuys.
Human beings are violent by nature. Our species has always and will always be extremely violent.
that is just a states thing, they got this whole love hate things going when it comes to sex, and feel they need to shield there innocent little kids form seeing how nature works.
something i never got since the mind set is the opposite in most of Europe and most of Canada too.
It's getting the chance to experience a different reality.
even when i play any sports like hockey or football, i play extremely aggressive, and get a pretty big adrenaline boost whenever i check or tackle someone.
and im someone who would never want to go to war, but i do love my paintball and my fps games.