hey i was just wondering the best way to practice 2d skills. obviously drawing is important but is it just as good and perhaps better to do photoshop painting instead.
it forces you to deal with colors as well and blending/shading more thoroughly. It also may make more sense since the colors and painting practice will help you with texturing.
though perhaps drawing gives you more of a handle on structure since your not using a brush.
what are people's takes on this?
But whichever you decide to commit to, just keep at it, again and again, as much as you can, and no matter what you'll see improvement. (ie. practice practice practice)
Do not underestimate just how important drawing is.
I just hate having to scan into photoshop... I feel like its a handicap
@frell how is a sketchbook a handicap when you can take one somewhere a lot more inspiring than your desk, and pull it out anytime you got ideas following.