Hello Everyone. Me and my senior project group of 4 are getting to work on some assets. This is a quick placeholder pass on one of the enemies. I'm thinking I'm going to back and model the tail as one piece. I'm also not sure how to handle the membrane piece in between the mandibles. Anyway, this is where it starts and any constructive feedback is very welcomed. That's why i'm here.

another placeholder just so we can start blocking things out.
Make final concepts to new art direction
i know this might be pointless posting my background study without posting any sort of targets. But its basically an abstractish far off destroyed alien jungle world background to parallax on our sidescroller. This is more of a study of the "El Sheddai" treatment. This should at least give me a jump off point for the next passes. Our color pallete hasn't been decided on either. So where's my team at?
PS. is anyone else thinking....miami vice?.....just me?
A rough of some stairs.
p.s I never felt like running over a wireless card until this weekend. >:(
The stairs are pretty cool too.
we're going to using a lot of speed tree i'm assuming but wanted to add some odd pieces to make it seem a little less earthy. I need to think about these more because they feel incredibly generic to me still. I can see a huge difference when I don't sketch things out first.
I can probably make these a lot more efficient, especially since they won't be animated. low poly is still something i struggle with a bit.
Some sort of Interior paneling.
Move forward with some Normal maps from Crazybump & see how they turn out.
A little more color variation could be explored. Very slight, & mainly in the grunge masks.
Unfortunately I can't take too much time and have to jump around while I juggle between getting everything done and waiting for feedback from my teacher and teamates for each little part of the project. The clock is running down on us hard. I did try to get this one down to final in one night so we can base the other creatures off of it.
Looks good, but still to blue. He really needs some kind of second tone, that can stull be a Bue variant, but needs to show the natural way creatures evolve a top coat color and underbelly color. Reference a couple of animals and show the reference on next post.
Any luck on getting more of the spaceships, claws, etc organized?
Here's the sitter with a different color scheme, and the reference that I used.
Here is the window concept. This si more of an idea than antything close to final. I have it set up to where you can rotate it any way to change it up and I have a seperate plane with a little glowy holographic fence thing. I though I could maybe make a few different pieces for that inside part, some with broken parts, pipes, glass panes, etc...
completed my tileable techy wall materials, 6 different variants complete with normals and specs. And here are the completed vines that are just alpha'd planes.
This one, I only changed the one on the right by removing the normal and spec from it so its a super basic, solid color texture.
To team: Please let me know what you think as soon as you can. I have one more thing to try and thats going to be trying to do a detailed vector color map. I think I'm going to tackle that tomorrow and we should be able to nail this down from there and I'll still have time to move on to the other tasks.
was playing with this again. but I'm still not happy with it.
messed with the window texture again. Its just a diffuse with a detailed spec map.
this is part of the level concpet i came up with last quarter, But i don't know where i'm going now.
starting to block in the style for the smaller hard surface objects.
I already have plans for the next pass, but will gladly take suggestions (as i desperately need some)
here is a screen i stole from my team mate at one of the previous passes at the level design. To give you a better idea of whats happening in my jumbled thread.