Couple of things:
Waist could do with widening a tad, looks just a bit too thin at the mo
the sleaves wrinkles don't seem to fall the way you'd expect them too, they look like they're made from a much heavy material than what pirate's garb usually appears as.
Is Penelope Cruz's character in "on stranger tides" one of your references? i'm getting that kind of vibe from the over-all appearance.
Thx for the crits, will definitely touch those parts up! It originally was fanart for the Vanquisher character from Torchlight, then I started adding other complimentary elements;
As I worked on this, I kept thinking of how silly fantasy outfits for women are, like this one, they leave a lot of vital areas exposed, wouldn't she die pretty quickly? Also, I was a big fan of the idea in Crysis 2 where the Nanosuit was holding together the player inside from dying and falling apart. So I figured combine that with the original idea that this character was from Torchlight where the player's body was both augmented and being corrupted by Ember, and here's my loophole for sexy revealing armor; she's battle damaged, with normally mortal wounds, but the ember flowing throughout her body is what is holding her body together and allowing her to survive! Can't wait to start painting glowy bits in the wounds and glyphs on her skin! Almost retopo time!
That's an interesting idea although it sounds like it it could get out of hand quickly and make things overly busy and difficult to interpret. I don't think you should design around trying to justify a skimpy outfit. If it fits into the kind of project you're doing then you should do whatever you want. And if skimpy outfits weigh heavily on your mind then it's probably best to just not make them? But that's me speaking without seeing how you're going to handle this. Who knows, maybe it will turn out great. She kind of looks like a pirate zombie right now with those wounds.
Having the gun on the lower leg looks rather inconvenient and weighs the silhouette down to the bottom in an odd way for me.
"As I worked on this, I kept thinking of how silly fantasy outfits for women are, like this one, they leave a lot of vital areas exposed, wouldn't she die pretty quickly?"
my thoughts exactly... i keep trying to make characters with realistic armor that will be easy to fight in and protect him too... fantasy artwork with seminaked chicks has warped us all heheh. keep up the good work.
Couple of things:
Waist could do with widening a tad, looks just a bit too thin at the mo
the sleaves wrinkles don't seem to fall the way you'd expect them too, they look like they're made from a much heavy material than what pirate's garb usually appears as.
Is Penelope Cruz's character in "on stranger tides" one of your references? i'm getting that kind of vibe from the over-all appearance.
I must say i really like the gun holster setup
As I worked on this, I kept thinking of how silly fantasy outfits for women are, like this one, they leave a lot of vital areas exposed, wouldn't she die pretty quickly? Also, I was a big fan of the idea in Crysis 2 where the Nanosuit was holding together the player inside from dying and falling apart. So I figured combine that with the original idea that this character was from Torchlight where the player's body was both augmented and being corrupted by Ember, and here's my loophole for sexy revealing armor; she's battle damaged, with normally mortal wounds, but the ember flowing throughout her body is what is holding her body together and allowing her to survive! Can't wait to start painting glowy bits in the wounds and glyphs on her skin! Almost retopo time!
Having the gun on the lower leg looks rather inconvenient and weighs the silhouette down to the bottom in an odd way for me.
But yeah, thats a very mini miniskirt.
Still a bit of tinkering to go..but plenty of progress made since last WIP shot!
my thoughts exactly... i keep trying to make characters with realistic armor that will be easy to fight in and protect him too... fantasy artwork with seminaked chicks has warped us all heheh. keep up the good work.