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Androgynous basemesh

I have this basemesh that I've been tinkering with trying to make it as androgynous as possible. This is where I'm at so far, but it's obviously still too masculine

Can I get some pointers (or possibly even a paintover) on how to reduce the masculinity of this model?



  • WipEout
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    WipEout polycounter lvl 15
    My first thoughts:

    Narrow the shoulder width, and reduce the musculature of the upper body, especially the deltoids and the latissimus dorsi.


    Basically, look at pictures of average women, and start to reduce the mesh's musculature to visually sit somewhere between a man and woman.

    Good luck!
  • n88tr
    very not androgynous. you'd have to work for years in the gym as a woman to get delts and traps like that. also make his shoulders narrower and hips wider.
  • allaze-eroler
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    allaze-eroler polycounter lvl 11
    take a look at every game that feature androgynous character or... ask kriscrash to give you extra critism ^^ also, you can check her site for to give you some idea of how her characters looks like :)
  • Yamo
    Getting a little closer...

    Beefed up the hips/butt a little, shrank the shoulders/traps, probably still need to shrink the lats some more


    Please keep up the comments guys, theyre much appreciated :)
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I don't know much about anatomy, but here's this:


    Edit: For some ridiculously awesomesauce androgynous references, check out some of ruanjia's work. He's got several paintings featuring such characters.
  • tda
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    tda polycounter lvl 16
    Right now it's reading very much as a dude. If you're intent on having a more anatomically defined base mesh for sculpting i'd recommend making one for a dude and one for a chick because the difference between your stereotypical man and woman is pretty huge. I think by sticking to just 1 mesh for everything you're going to give yourself more work to do. It's going to take more work to make this base mesh sexually unidentifiable, and once you've managed that you've just given yourself more sculpting work to do to bring it back to looking like either a man or a woman.

    For this kind of base mesh where i'm assuming you want to be able to re-use it for as many characters as possible while retaining the smallest imprint of the base (?), the solution that would save you the most time would be to just use tubes for all the limbs and let the sculpting do the hard anatomy work.
  • Omnicypher
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    Omnicypher polycounter lvl 9
    if you want it to be androgynous, try starting from a younger female body type. at a young age, the differences in shoulder width are less noticable, and flat chested women with short hair could be mistaken for a feminine guy. also using a simpler animation style would help, like this: http://reviewsoutsidethebox.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/how_to_train_your_dragon_48.jpg
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