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New Artist Looking For Feedback

polycounter lvl 11
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praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
Hi there im new to polycount, im a aspiring character artist and have been working on this model of an Amazonian warrior for a week or so now, i decided to put it up here to get some solid feedback Im really serious about making this character the best I can so any and all critiques are greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.:)



  • MrHobo
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    MrHobo polycounter lvl 14
    I know you only have week of work on it but some general problem areas that I see now:
    HANDS: Not the best position for a game character. Rotate them so they're facing down. This makes rigging a lot less of a headache. Also the hands need some general love but into them but Im assuming you just havent addressed them yet.
    SHOULDERS: Check the shoulder blades something dont feel quite right. They feel dislocated from he torso too, maybe try bringing them in slightly. This will also help offset the..
    HIPS: It can help sell her as female character if you make the hips a tad bit wider.
    LEGS: The knees feel to wide IMO, also double check the back of the knee, structurally that feels way off.
    ARMS: Feel way to skinny (or maybe it's the length)...

    THE FACE: Biggest problem right now. Amazons are traditionally women and right now this face doesnt scream woman, it screams slightly effeminate man. Im not sure if you're using reference but pull up plenty of it and study the faces carefully, (Maybe type Amazonian into google images/ or look up any of Hazardous' threads) and try to recreate the subtlety you see in those faces here.

    On the plus side the hair shells looks pretty good right now. Can never get results like that.

    Hope that helps some. Im sure Im missing a lot but Im sure someone will come in and give better guidance. Reference Reference Reference.
  • praetor187
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    praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the advice, It really is helping me, funny you should talk about Hazardous because hes one of my favorite character artist out there. I'll diffidently go back and fix the anatomy issues. The face may take me a little bit but your right she doesn't scream female right now so I'll be sure to rectify that, thanks again :)
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    Dude looks like a lady! Honestly tho it looks like a guy with breasts.
  • wizo
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    wizo polycounter lvl 18
    well, it is looking really good if you are in your few first models,
    my advice would be a bit in line with MrHobo,
    the anatomy is somewhat off but not that much, it can be considered stylised.

    With a few tweaks to the nose and lips, it would make the model much more feminine.

    Always look at references or 2D concepts, they will help immensly when you trace out the main shapes, they are your guide to understanding and learning anatomy.

    Hope this helps.
  • praetor187
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    praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the replies guys, they're helping out a lot. Ive already started making changes to the model widening the hips and beefing up the arms a little and giving her a major face lift, and its already made a world of difference (at least to me ;p) i'll try to post the updates as soon as possible. Wizo thanks for letting me know that it can be considered stylized right now, im going for realistic in this model so you let me know that there are things that really need to be changed. keep em coming guys im only getting better with every critique. :)
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    You're giving "her" too strong of features.... like for example, jaw nose, cheek bones, neck, etc. Try to soften up the features and exaggerate what would help feminize her, like the lips (very important), the eyes, the facial structure.

    do yourself a favor and research some anatomy stuff and just pretty girls overall. Ask yourself, what makes a girl attractive and what is it that attracts you.

    here's my contribution.





  • praetor187
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    praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
    Hi guys, sorry it took me so long to update. I gave my female a huge face lift and used Christy Turlington as reference. I think I did well in capturing that beautiful female look, there are still some measurement issues but im working on that. Im still working on the other parts too, but really wanted to get her face down first.

  • MrHobo
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    MrHobo polycounter lvl 14
    BAM! That's what im talking about. Huge improvement man! Now just knock the body into shape and you'll have a tasty piece of art.

    @Alberto- Your reference folders are awesome...
  • cdevens
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    cdevens polycounter lvl 7
    Wow, very nice revision. The shape of the brow and the lips are awesome, very feminine!
  • praetor187
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    praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
    Hi guys, man its been a long time, things really started to go into overdrive for me for the past month or so. Ive really only been able to work on my model on and off every now and then, but hopefully i'll get more time to work on it though. But here is the updated version of her anatomy I decided to put the old anatomy pic of her to make comparing easier. I also decided on a new hairstyle for her as well. As always feedback is more than welcome. :)
  • Macattackk
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    Macattackk polycounter lvl 7
    shes looking damn good except for her arms, they are waaay to long. her fingers should go just below her crotch and this would not be the case if she put them to her side. also her elbows seem too small and pointy.

    another thing is you have a weird line going up between her breasts as if its her ribs but her ribs would connect below her breasts.
  • Ikosan
    look into the corners of the mouth and eyes a little more, the lower lip tends to tuck underneath the upper lip and terminates at a fatty pad of either side (you have a bit of this going on but i'd say not enough), as for the eyes theres usually a lot of subtle shapes and plane changes going on in there, i found this site quite usefull http://www.stanprokopenko.com/blog/2009/07/draw-lips/ and http://www.stanprokopenko.com/blog/2009/05/draw-eyes/
  • praetor187
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    praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the suggestions, they all really helped, im working on the arms now and started going back to the face, hopefully i'll have something new to post soon. :)
  • praetor187
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    praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
    Hey Guys, im sorry I took so long to post anything, the last two months have been brutal at school. Anyway now that its behind me I can start working more on my model. this is just a small update. hopefully there will be more soon, I decided to go the armor recently, so I did the boots and lower tunic. i plan to go back to the body and do some clean up too. anyway thoughts and citiques are welcome as always. QRuk9.jpg
  • praetor187
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    praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
    I know its been a long time but any help would really be appreciated. So bump.
  • praetor187
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    praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
    Heres a quick progress shot of what ive done so far, the armor design is very preliminary right now and will be replaced. any crits or suggestions are more than welcome.

  • MrHobo
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    MrHobo polycounter lvl 14
    You've made some good progress. Right now the only thing that really sticks out to me are the hands. They seem to lack structure.
    Also, it looks like her breastplate has, nipples. I'd smooth those off, but thats just me. :)
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    Just a quick crit, she's got bow legs. The top of the thigh bone is located further out than the knees, which creates more of a V shape instead of ( ), something to keep in mind. Great updates so far.

  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    Really great progress! glad you stuck to it! keep gooooing! i wants to z textures!
  • praetor187
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    praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
    Hey Guys sorry it took so long to update, just been slammed with work here for my student exchange in England, but I finally got her done, im moving on to my next project, but any crits and comments are welcome and i'll definetly be sure to use them in my next model. Thanks to all who helped me out with the project :)forum4mapx.jpg

  • TnT
    Looking pretty cool. Only issue is that the normal and AO render with wireframe is hard to see the details the normal brings out in that resolution.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    go pat yourself on the back

    The textures could use a bit more love I think - the metals in particular (it's mainly in the specular with metal) and that bit of face next to the nose looks a bit caved in but I've hit much worse models over the head in plenty of games so in no way is this a failure :D
  • Xelan101
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    Xelan101 polycounter lvl 14
    Lots of improvement :D looks pretty good and the best part is you can take what you learned on this one and shoot for another leap in quality for your next one!

    Only things I see is I agree with Poopie the metal could use more specular, looks a bit too much like stone to me in some of the shots...

    If you do go back to her try rendering her out of marmoset or using a shader in UDK and see if you can get the spec to pop in one of those programs. If not then it'll take some altering of the spec map, but you'd be surprised what a difference you see if you're used to testing the textures in Max.
  • praetor187
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    praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the comments guys, Im definetley going to rerender my model in Marmoset when I get back to America to see if the spec can be made better, I plan to do a series of these guys, so the next one I do will be better. I'll have to hunt down some tutorials on making good metal. But overall im happy with what I got, I think i'll take Poopipe's advice and pat myself on the back :)
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