Hey guy's I've ran into a strange problem when I started building a material in UDK for my Comicon Challenge model.
What's happening is after I apply my opacity mask some triangles in the eyes disappear along with the piece of the eye that I want to be transparent.
What makes it weird is that it's only some triangles in the eyes that do it, even though when I exported them out of Blender I kept them in quads, I also tried triangulating the mesh, checking the normals to make sure they are facing the right direction and them importing into UDK and still have the same problem.
I also made sure that all the faces were in their right place when I unwrapped my mesh, so right now I'm just really stumped on the matter.
I also moved the camera into the head to see if the faces were flipped the wrong way and that didn't seem to be the problem, For one reason or another it just seems like the opacity mask is affecting these triangles in the eyes at random. I also have the material set to double sided.
Here is the material I was working on
And here is what the problem looks like on my mesh.
And here is what it's supposed to look like.
Any ideas guys? If not it's not the biggest deal since I can just delete the part that's supposed to be transparent and roll with have the mesh completely opaque, but I would like to have his so I could have a normal eyeball shape visible when light reflects off them.