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Does .obj support vertex colours?

polycounter lvl 18
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odium polycounter lvl 18
Quick question, but when saving a .obj file in 3DS Max I can't see an option to save the vertex colour information as part of the file? When I save the file, the mesh contains no vertex data as such (i.e. just blank). I could use .ase I guess, but its just easier for me if I use .obj.

Is is possible to save vertex data to the model? I'm sure I've seen it before, no?

Cheers lado's.


  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    if you can have a look at fbx as you can export it as an ASCII (XML) data as well which is developer friendly to implement. ASE is really a dead format (AD never updated it nor do they really support it or offer a documentation as far as I know. Besides isn't UDK supposed to support FBX by now as well?
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not using UDK, using id Tech, so limited to .lwo, .ase and .obj really without a serious re-write of the colision systems. :(
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    maybe write a wrapper that reads out the vertex color and ads it to the ASE or OBJ ASCI with a custom set of data?

    edit: Couldn't find it in the Wikipedia:
    so when you export from max or maya it doesn't export vertex colours but like I said maybe a script could add that to the exported data.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    We can load external .tga files and use THAT as a vertex paint mask, thats no problem at all really. I was just being lazy and hoping I could save it to the model itself, i.e. same as I can with .ase. I can just use .ase no problem, in fact .ase works better with the editor as well, its just that .ae is for some reason being a bit of a tit atm and not writing my material name... loool.

    Like I said, just me being lazy, lol :p
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