I've sort of been toying around for for the past few years and finally am buckling down to get serious. My hope is to constantly move forward one day at a time until my goal of my first complete game is accomplished. You're probably thinking "yeah yeah I've heard this song before," but I really am putting all my energy into this so please help in any way shape or form. Thank you all in advance!!
To start this all off I have gone through a few designs for the main character and have finally landed on something I like. Number 4 being the final silhouette. The next step will be a color scheme for the clothes.
Any and all crits, hey how 'bouts, bumps, neh's, and mind ****s are welcome.
Let's save the WORLD!!!
Alkia, our rising hero, is a half demon whose powers manifest in his right arm. He will have three forms when fully designed, including this one. A long journey lies before him and at the end is his only chance to free himself of his demon half, or so he's told...
Alkia, along with all other creatures in the world of Kairos are able to manifest and control the flow of
natuElan (or
Elan for short)
. The Sophim (humans) are able to control their inner
Elan through the use of conduit objects (namely
Kris), while the Murriim (demons) control it at a more primal level depending on their origin (more on that when need arises
Alkia, with his 3 forms also has three fighting styles. The first makes use of an
Elan Kris to manifest different weapons from a blade to a whip to a shield. The second and third are for his murriim forms and will be talked about later, though I will say they can be associated with a gryphon. All of his styles are fast moving, but have their own little quirks. Also as he changes between them so does his
natuElan, which goes from red/gold, to green, to blue.
The full story has 3 major arcs, the first being what I am working on now, his sort of origin story.
Im looking for help with pushing my designs in the right direction, maybe helpful links to tutorials, and critiques on areas that I might be lacking, anything really will help.
So, thanks again in advance!!
Also what do you want feedback on? concept art skills? actual design? game idea? etc... those sort of questions help alot when it comes to giving feedback properly! but ya without any context the 4th does look the nicest : >!
Here is another set of colors. Also between here and feedback from a few friends I've included 6, 9 and 10.
20 a-c as well as 12 and 13 are examples of what could happen in-game
Think I made the arms a little to thick, but it's time to call it a night, more progress tomorrow
edit: seems the issue was that the arms were to short not thick
ya, I agree and thus an edit
Anyways here is what I have so far ... I actually have no practice sculpting so I modeled a muscles by hand gonna refine the detail with some sculpting (hopefully)
Here is a small update
-Made him look younger
-Hair is not complete need to make his ponytail
-Gotta finish his body lol
Im deciding agaisnt sculpting and modeling out muscles and im just going to paint his textures from scratch hope that gives better results
Well thats all for now ... till next time please leave any comments that come to your minds
Ya school is finally out so im getting some mroe work done on this here is the latest update
any links to texture painting tutorials at this point would be a great help
also any links for weight painting would help as well I've always had issues getting the results that I want
I am most likely going to be using unity for the final project so any tips and/or tricks in using it will help
I suggest sticking to the same style as your concept for his mouth. Currently they seem too realistic to match his eyes.
Good luck on finishing your game!
@artquest - I decided against using that (muscle) model becuase the results were not what i was looking for. I definately agree with you that I lost some of the character when I modeled his face, so I made some edits! Hope this attempt better captures the look.
Changed his fatial structure and I used smoothing groups to better show what I'm going for
everything else is awesome. i like his legs silhouette.
A simple black and dark grey attire which accentuate and concentrate attention towards the coloured middle shapes. When i look at 20a/b/c, each one is quickly recognizable without much-if-any distractions from the rest of the design.
the 20 series work as there is only one major colour in each variation making them easy to recognize regardless if its a team-based game or not. the other variations just aren't as decisive in which colour is meant to pop-out and shout out to the viewer: "HEY, I'M THE WORLD'S ONLY HOPE!!"
@re.wind - I agree I think that's what I'm going to end up doing, but with the lighter grey jacket from 12 and 13
Here is the latest update started on his tetxure
-inspired by Star Wars the Clone Wars texture style
-is he too orange? (tryna make him look african-ish)
Time to call it a night ... Merry Christams Everyone!!!
I think the hard-edged version has the most potential. It's nice and clean, and it's not been used very often in games. Now that we have access to such a broad range of tech and styles (from realistic to sculpted to handpainted) I think that making bold decisions like that is what could separate you from the rest!
Cool stuff, keeping an eye on this!