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Cintiq Freezing

polycounter lvl 19
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Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
I searched around for this, and I haven't seen it in Technical Talk, so I figured I'd ask about it.

I just got a Cintiq at work, and every couple minutes, the cursor will randomly freeze and I'll be unable to move it, or use any of the buttons on the pen itself.
Thus far I've only noticed it happening in Zbrush, so I don't know if it's a problem specific to that program, or if it's just a problem with Cintiq's in general.

Nudging my mouse seems to kick it back in gear again, but this seems like a very odd problem with a flow breaking solution. And moreover it seems strange that this is something that would get past QA.

I'm on Vista 64 bit, and I've got the Sept 13th driver update for the Cintiq/Intuos/etc., so . . . I dunno.
I've asked a couple of the other artists here, and it seems to be a studio wide problem here. Has anyone else run into this and found a solution?


  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    Have you disabled the Windows tablet drivers? They tend to conflict with Wacom's a lot. I had a similar issue where it would randomly restart my driver process or just plain crash it.
  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    No, but I'll try that and see if that could be it. Thanks for the suggestion :)
  • SpeCter
  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    The TAB.exe didn't work (since I'm on a 64 bit OS?) But I've run the cmd and regedit file, and thus far there's been no problem, so . . . awesome! Thanks SpeCter! :D
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Did you set your program of choice in the "shutdown service" list ?

    If you didn't it will not work. I use 64 bit oses too and can't live without it.
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    What do you mean with didn´t work? It doesn´t start at all or doesn´t it stop the services?
    It should work on 32Bit and 64Bit(which i use myself).
    The Tab.exe will only work automatically if the programs are added to the list like BeatKitano said.And you have the option to enable or disable manually easier then the batch file
  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    On my work computer, running TAB.exe is giving me a MSVCP100.dll is missing, so the program fails to run. Apparently this means I need the VC++ redistributable to be installed, but that doesn't seem to have helped that particular problem.

    Running the .bat file stopped the Tablet PC service, but I still have the occasional freezing problem :/

    I'm not sure what you mean about shutdown services. Is that the same as changing the start up type under Control panel > Administrative > Services?
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    Yes and no, it does more then just disabling the service ;)
    And yes you need the newest VC++ Redistributable(it has to be the 32bit version, i didn´t compile it against 64 bit!)
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Slipstream wrote: »
    On my work computer, running TAB.exe is giving me a MSVCP100.dll is missing, so the program fails to run. Apparently this means I need the VC++ redistributable to be installed, but that doesn't seem to have helped that particular problem.

    Running the .bat file stopped the Tablet PC service, but I still have the occasional freezing problem :/

    I'm not sure what you mean about shutdown services. Is that the same as changing the start up type under Control panel > Administrative > Services?

    I've occasional freezing, it's not a continuous problem though, it may stop for a while and then come back. My only lead so far is a usb problem: data stream is somehow slow down. Could be that not enough power is delivered on the port, try removing unecessary usb device maybe ?
    I also seen my cpu go up a little higher than normal when it happens sometimes, maybe an app or service is hogging cpu ressources thus slowing down usb.
  • Ben Apuna
    You mention that nudging the mouse gets it working again. Maybe the mouse is actually stealing focus from the stylus every so often. Perhaps try unplugging the mouse for a while to see if that helps.

    Good luck. I hope you get it sorted out somehow.
  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    @Specter: Ah! Installing 32bit VC++ did it, and running the program and checking disable services seems to have stopped the issue.
    One point of confusion though: Do I need to have a certain set of programs selected in there, beyond wisptis, or does it automatically disable the programs that are causing the problem?

    @BeatKitano: Possibly? It's a problem with every computer here though. If it crops back up, then I'll give that a try

    @Ben Apuna: I don't think that's it. Most of us have different brands of mice . . . although I everyone here has an optical mouse. Hmm.

    Anyway, I'll experiment with it for a couple more hours, but thus far, no problems!

    Thanks everyone :)
  • solar
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    solar polycounter lvl 18
    I had this problem last week, changing pens fixed it right away.
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    In general you add Programms to the list like 3dsmax,Photoshop etc. for which you want the services disabled.
    If one of the programs in the list is running it will shut down wisptis and all (known) windows tablet pc related services
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