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Cycle Between Selection Modes, with single button, Maya

I was wondering if anyone has tried setting up the Maya polygon selection modes where you can cycle between them with a single button. That way I could tap a button once for face, twice for verts, and so on. I really like the way UDK handles switching between the move/scale/rot tools with spacebar and I'd like to do something similar with Maya's polygon selection modes.

Anyone tried this before?


  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • Mr_Paris
    I'm trying to go easy on my mouse hand :) The Less clicks I have to do with that hand the better. Hence why I want to offload the work to my keyboard hand. Plus as I mentioned I just sort of like being able to cycle the modes.

    Is it possible to map the tab button to anything?

    All I really want it to do is cycle between face, vert, edge, and component selection modes.

    If you think it's something that would be relatively easy to script I would definitely appreciate a hand. I've never scripted in Mel personally.
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • Mr_Paris
    Yup that's it. Thank you for your help!
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    alt+x+LMB it's another marking menu that gives you the option.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Or if you like it you could use the multiselect feature. I don't use it personally, but it gives you access to all the components simply by mousing over them. No need to switch at all ever. I actually find my muscle memory is faster than using the multi select and just right click to get to the next component.
  • Warheart
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    Warheart polycounter lvl 17
    I don't understand what benefit you could get from having this on a toggle. The hotkeys already exist by default so surely having each component mode on its own key is faster than toggling (e.g. to go from one mode to the one before it in the toggle list you have to cycle through all of them).

    As TeriyakiStyle said, on a polygon object, it's F8 to toggle between component and object mode (this will toggle back into the component mode you last used) and its F9 for verts, F10 for edges, F11 for faces and F12 for UVs.
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • Mr_Paris
    Well, it will be much faster in that it has two behaviors.
    1. It will cycle through all component modes. This is the same as pressing F8, F9, etc.
    2. It will detect if anything is selected. If something IS selected it will change it's behavior slightly and instead of simply going to another component mode it will also convert that selection to the next component.
    All bound to a single hotkey press. (ALT+S)

    1. Alt+s - cycle through component modes
    Select some verts
    Alt+s - Verts selected converted to contained Faces
    Alt+s - Faces selected converted to contained Edges
    Alt+s - Edges selected converted to contained Verts
    Select nothing - Alt+s - Object mode toggled on, back to step 1.

    I do feel it is incrementally faster than the other options.

    So turns out you can't bind it to TAB, at least in the hotkey editor. I have it bound to ALT+S

    I almost got it :) I'm learning python so I'm trying it with that. I thought it'd be easier but I am super novice at this. If a good scripter happens by and wants to educate then please do :)

    Thanks again for all your help Teriyaki!

    Part of the reason for this is so many hand never has to leave the left side of the keyboard. Right now I have virtually all the keys mapped to something on that side, and while I can use a marking menu, having a key I could rapidly cycle would be preferable.
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