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Word document zoom into images?

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malcolm polycount sponsor
So I use a lot of word docs at work and put images in them. I would love it if I could supply a high res image and you could click on it to see the full res. Is this possible in word without creating some hyperlink thing? Or is there a better program to use when making documents that can be printed, but in the electronic version you can zoom into the image. I have thought about creating html pages, but that workflow is a bit time consuming for my uses and means the document needs to come with a root folder.


  • kodde
    Offline / Send Message
    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    This is a good question. Would also like to know if this is possible. Highly doubt it though.

    Word in general feels optimized for printing purposes where this feature would be pretty damn useless.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    I figured out you could insert an object and then double click the object to get the full size image, the only problem is the object is just displayed as an icon!
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Wait are we talking Microsoft Word here?
    I'm on the 2007 version. There's nothing going on when double clicking the image except entering "Picture Tools" menus when you've selected the image(single click).
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Yeah I have 2007 as well. Click on insert tab then click on object and select a .jpg file. Well, in a ghetto way you could insert the image and insert an object right beside it as a button to go full screen. I tested it and works so you don't have to supply a relative path or the image at all. Looks pretty janky though.

    Actually it works if you make it a bitmap, but when you double click it opens in paint which is kind of lame.
  • Xolo
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    Xolo polycounter lvl 10
    I don't know if this is usefull for you but...

    In word go to options, advanced, Image QUality and check the "do not compress images" box.
    Next go find the web options (moves around with every word version) It shpuld have a Pictures Tab where yopu can find DPI settings for images. Pics now should retain quality when you zoom the whole page.
    Above settings only apply to current file, you cannot store this crap in your normal.dot
    Use ctrl+mousewheel to zoom page in and out.
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