To start off my highpoly models, I've been modeling the most boring parts/harder parts first, then moving on to the more fun/less complicated parts. My theory for staying motivated is to get the tedious stuff out of the way, so all that's left is the easy, fun stuff. (Not to say that the easy stuff is always more fun, but you get my drift.)
Lately I've been thinking maybe I should start with the fun stuff, and later my motivation for the boring stuff will come from my progress so far.
This is probably a weird question to begin with, but I'm curious how other people work.
I don't necessarily approach tasks in terms of fun/boring, as it's usually very mixed depending on the shape/style/concept. Normally, if I'm just doing a prop, I'll start with the bigger, most important shapes and work my way to the cool little details. Rarely though, I like to "free-style" and jump from place to place and just try to enjoy every piece of the puzzle.
So in my case, I give in to the 'fun' bits and it hinders my work as a result.
I don't actually jump around either. I've been doing mechs, so I'll start with the feet and go up. Legs are usually a lot more complicated because you've got to worry about joints and everything's at an angle.
I probably should work more like you though- global details first, then work my way down to the small stuff, but I've always just moved from one piece to the next.
Well I take that back. I think doing small simple details is fun because it adds so much to your work.
Yeah, I'm thinking I should give that a go.