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UDK causing my computer to turn off.

polycounter lvl 11
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Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
The other day i was playing around in the august build of UDK build. I was moving the camera around in the 3d viewport and suddenly my computer just shots off for no reason. I'm using Windows 7 64bit and have an awesome video card. This has never been a problem for me before, and i've been using UDK for like a year.

Since then (2 days ago), every time i have been in udk it has crashed when moving around in the 3d viewport. I've even tried upgrading to the sept build and this still happens.

I have updated video drivers.
This doesn't happen when playing Games or working on high polygon count scenes in 3D Studio Max.

Any speculation on what the problem could be?


  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    I would guess overheating issues. Have you done any serious gaming or spent some time in a high poly scene since this started happening?
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    throttlekitty: I was using a HPU Temp checker last time it shut off and the temperature was normal. Yes i have played Eve Online extensively over the past couple of days

    Teriyaki- Yes
  • [Deleted User]
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  • pixelmitherer

    I have been experiencing the exact same problems as you, in fact my machine just crashed using UDK before I read your post.
    I'm using Vista 64 and the August build of UDK, and I too am using a good machine and have recently upgraded my graphics card drivers. I'm using an NVidia geforce GTX285.
    I'm working on a fairly low poly simple scene, nothing complex. But it tends to crash quite often now.

    I'm running AVG anti-virus software in the background, I'll try and remove it, see how that affects it.
  • Mark Dygert
    I'd give the power supply the hairy eyeball. Most video cards idle pretty low then ramp up when under a load and suck down a lot of power. Or sometimes its just a GPU fan kicking on because of heat or predicted GPU load.

    UDK is probably the most demanding thing I've run in a long time. It has to juggle a lot more than just displaying polys on the screen and the 3D viewport is downright amazing in what it can do, and scary at the same time with what it does to your system, heh.

    This kind of thing happens quite often when someone upgrades their video card, adds more ram or attaches a few new USB devices like external HD's. Or it can happen if the PSU is just starting to go south and blown a few capacitors. If there are normally 10 caps for the full load and 2 blow, you will probably start up but as soon as you need more than 80% power it trips a sensor and shuts things down, normally after putting a ton of stress on the remaining capacitors making them more likely to blow. When I say blow, often there is not visible sign or audible pop, people think mad scientist style explosion but really nothing happens and the only way to be sure a cap is blown is to test it with meter.

    That power sensor is a blessing and a curse, in the past things would just cascade and everything would catch fire and burn to a crisp (what you're probably thinking of), nothing says fried PSU like a small house fire. But that's why caps die a silent slow death. It's that process that enables you to slowly kill your PSU and drives a lot of people mad while trying to figure out whats going on.

    Anyway... that's my guess, it could be something totally unrelated...
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the help, all of you guys.

    Mark, you may be right... i was thinking of power supply as well, because it tends to shut off more when there is a high demand on the viewport. For instance, i loaded up The Pit and it only made through about a second before it shut off, lol.

    other than that, i've been running really high intense scenes in MAX and it seems to work just fine :(

    Do PSUs typically just kind of... go out like that? should i test the hypothesis by unplugging all unnecessary oower hogs?

    I'm not running an Anti-Virus in the background... so it's not that.
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