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Hello All,

Just thought I'd post some imagery for a project I've been working on for the past couple of years during my spare time. I posted most of this imagery at Eat3D's forum, but since I know Polycount has some amazing talent that probably doesn't visit Eat3D's site much (if ever) I wanted to get the oppinion of those people as well!

I've been planning to use UDK for the game, and gradually learning the ins-and-outs through Eat3D's great collection of tutorials specifically relating to UDK. Hopefully the latest one by Hourences will be the "final nail in the coffin," as the game being made, named PISCES, is meant to launch on iOS devices (and the latest UDK tutorial deals with setting that up!)

As I mentioned, the game's called PISCES and it's slated to be a first-person shooter. I've been building assets for a long time, and it's nearing completion... but I thought I'd throw it up on this thread before converting the high-rez Maya models down to low-poly UDK in-game models. It's always helpful to get people's input/opinions, especially after working on the project this long (you tend to get "blinders" as an artist after working on something).

I've been planning to launch a Kickstarter crowd-funding page as well for the project as well as an official website), in an effort to get this project finished, but as I said, I'm really looking for the gamer/game-design community's opinions first. So, please, the more feedback the better!

As a general background on the project, it first started out under the working title "SKUNK WORK"... and so any imagery you see below with that name is from an earlier state in the production-process. The game takes place at the "end of Atlantis"... but it's not the Atlantis most people think of. There aren't fancy sea-shells and sea-horse designs everywhere... it's supposed to be a sort of truly technologically advanced-civilization that has erie resemblances to today's modern architecture and technologies. I always liked the notion of time repeating itself... being cyclical. The idea that what happens today or what has been designed/engineered has been created in the past, thousands of years ago, and that humanity just sort of "forgets" over eons what we've already accomplished has always been an intriguing concept. I cant give everything away, but that's the basic idea...

Anyway, let me know your thoughts, Polycount community! Any input is great,

-dan rutkowski



  • Alex3d
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    Alex3d polycounter lvl 9
    Hey, your assets look very cool and heavily detailed! I would like to see more of them (if you got any). Characters need a bit more work* Now I don't know what your scenes will look like, because you've only shown a few characters, 3 vehicles and 3 weapons. But my guess is, they'll also be heavily detailed. Good luck on low-poly meshes that you'll bake your stuff on and keep in mind that you only have 7,000 tris to work with(unless you want people's iPhones to explode...) Anyways, post some texture maps/wireframes for us to critique, good work so far!
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    That mechanical stuff looks incredibly detailed, so props to that. That said, they may be a bit too visually complex? There's a lot going on in some of the silhouettes (in particular the vehicles), and not a lot of value/color variation on the surface, which makes them rather difficult to read. The tank, for example, took me a good long stare to vaguely sort out what was going on.

    Pisces, on the other hand. Wow, love that costume design, nicely thought out, and she's got a very appealing face. I'm rather keen to see where this ends up :D
  • Melonman
    I think your assets look awesome and your character look great.

    Particularly like the fact that she's not overcrowded with shit if you'll excuse my language nice sleak clean design with some detailed areas and some sleak areas very nice balance very nice contrast.

    Don't really no too much about specs for the iOS so won't say much there.

    Really loving the story that's quite unique and very refreshing. Obviously you've thought about it for a while so keep it up and go the distance.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah, i have no idea what some of those models are. Metal spaghetti is all i can tell. Id tone it down visualy dude, as its hard to make out what some of these pieces. Nice detail, but its to much I think.
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    Love the character. Love the name. Excellent work. The models above your character look bad ass but whats_true is right. No idea what they are by looking at it. That's what turns me off about the Unreal Engine and that type of EPIC modeling/texturing/lighting. It's too much sometimes. Sometimes simpler is better. Just my opinion though.

    Solid modeling and texturing though. I like.
  • Sirenum
    Thanks Peoples!

    Yeah, I agree with the things you've all had to say so far. I didn't have time this morning to post the other chunks of the project, and so I'll do that now...

    A couple people mentioned the "metal spaghetti"-ness of it all, and I'll agree with that. As i mentioned above, the game idea started a couple years ago, and since has evolved a bit (hence the difference in the "game name" shown on the various boards). With that said, I've actually startedd to move a little bit in the slightly cleaner direction. The girl is a decent example of where it's kind of heading... you can see in some of the illustrations below aspects of her design language coming through a bit more. Anyway, take a look, and let me know. Keep the comments coming! Thanks to those who have already responded,

  • Ravanna
    this stuff is insanely good, I take it you're at proffessional level/in a job. Are u responsible for both concepting and HI detail modelling? I dont often see someone capable of both :thumbup:
  • Lonewolf
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    Lonewolf polycounter lvl 18
    pretty weird stuff, i couldnt tell what some of those models are if u didnt write it but i really like it

    looking forward to see more
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    Interested in the 3D modeling package you used to make these. It doesn't look like Maya or Max was used. More info on how you did this would be awesome. Wireframes on some of the environments if you have the time.

    The girl reminds me of Alyx from Half Life. And that's a good thing.
  • Alex3d
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    Alex3d polycounter lvl 9
    Dan, screw the iPhone, it will kill your art... Just go with UE3 and start on maps. If we are talking about spaghetti, I'm very prejudiced to those white cloth segments that act as extension to her gloves. I know you made them to compliment her mechanical tail. But they just look quite useless IMO. And technically speaking, those flaps will make you spend more time on rigging/animation
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    I hate how I can't see dropbox links at work :(
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    So much styyyyyyle- its burning my eyes! Aggghhh!! Really cool stuff. Honestly I`d love to be working on something like this.

    The metal spaghetti thing is a pretty big detractor, but you seemed to have learned some meaty design lessons from those models. Not sure if its worth re-working them, or just starting from scratch. Either way you have a pretty interesting foundation to build from.
  • makecg
    Insanely cool man. really unique
  • Lucas Annunziata
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    Lucas Annunziata polycounter lvl 14
    Hot damn does this stuff look good. You may have some issues if everything is that same color of grey. Have you considered incorperating any other colors into the elements of the game?
  • slipsius
    amaaazing work! but damn does that background take away from the model int eh first couple. different colour!!!
  • Sirenum
    Alright, one last dump of images (while i still have time today!).

    In addition to the imagery below, i did want to provide a couple of responses to comments. As far as working on games professionally, no i don't. I'm actually an Industrial Designer by trade... i.e. i'm a product designer at my day-job. Currently i work for a company that designs and builds displays you see in-store actually. I've always wanted to work in the games-industry, but never have as it seems difficult to unless you've worked for a game-company in the past or at very least went to school for it. Hence why I've just been working on this project in my spare time for a while now...

    But yes, I did all of the concepting/modeling. Wish i knew how to program too... because right now I'm just trying to use Kismet to control the game.

    And yes, it's all done in Maya. And photoshop obviously! But really, all of the imagery (with the exception of the images that specifically say "SKUNK WORK" on them and are rendered-out) are just modified screen-grabs from Maya's Viewport 2.0. That's why there's some goofy-shadowing on the Pisces character in areas. I could have rendered her out, but I figured there's not too much of a point since it's just trying to establish an idea, and not the baked-out low-poly version yet.

    As far as trying to shove it all into iOS, I wanted to start with that, as it's a bit simpler to work with than a full-blown mod for UDK on PC. Just figured i'd start with one level... see if anyone liked it. That sort of thing!

    Anyhoo... here's the last of a batch of images I was planning to put up. I can certainly work to produce a few wire-frame images too and I'll try to put them up in the next couple of days.

    Oh, and the cloth/rubberized "panels" on Pisces' arm could be construed as "noodly"... I agree. I wanted to soften her up with cloth, so that she's not too machine like. I'm still on the fence with a lot of her design. This is actually something like the 3rd or fourth itteration of her... so I'll post the imagery of her from one generation before. Abandoned that design because it was SO dark and didn't make her come across as human or soft/feminine.

    Keep any comments coming! I am taking note!

  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    Hot damn, I love the style! As others pointed out, some of the silhouettes are confusing, and your palette is a bit limited.
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    amazing work. I for one dont think diversifying the palette will add anything. I think its limiting the colors that really gives it that style. Black and blue is the way to go. :)
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    Sorry to keep posting Sirenum, but I have to say.. You're in the wrong industry. Looks like you've been working on games for quite a while now. You got the skills my friend.

    Would love to see more of your concepts turn into a full game. (Though, I guess if you're getting paid bank being a Product Designer, then that's not a bad job either. =)
  • sybrix
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    sybrix polycounter lvl 13
    This is just amazing and creative stuff. I really enjoy the idea of technologically cyclical civilizations, working on a similar theme myself.

    Glad to see you're working on making it cleaner - when I first saw it the first thing that stuck out to me is how visually cluttered some of the pieces are, making them hard to read. But overall I freaking absolutely love your style.

    Subscribed and looking forward to more.
  • Alex3d
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    Alex3d polycounter lvl 9
    I didn't know she was a machine until you told me man. There is nothing wrong with your previous concept, her costume just needs a contrasting colour scheme so all the little details would pop out. As far as UDK programing goes, simple things are done though Kismet and for more complex just google for scripts...
  • n88tr
    lots of creativity here
    really fresh looks
    dig it
  • Jar3d
    Damn i love your style.
  • Spitfire
    I absolutely Love the artstyle and the choice of colors, even if it could be considered colorless and what not, i just love how it all works together.
    Only thing im missing is some understand for all of this, it feels kindof random at times. Sutch as the guns are missing the key points which makes it a gun, like a proper handle that looks comftable etc, things that you would expect even if it has crazy tech and artstyle.
    Keep it up this is absolutely awesome!
  • Melonman
    Didn't you say this was going to be a first person shooter?

    How come in your last image post you've said it's going to be a brawler game?

    Also I think the environmental colour schemes great but as your character has the same colour scheme don't you think she'll just get lost against the background?

    Just a thought
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    I'll try to put this as positively as possible, but i have to dissent with the popular opinion here. I feel like you really need to work on defining the forms and silhouettes of these characters before adding in details. Most of the images are unreadable and confusing. I feel like the most successful images you posted are the main character herself and the "AETHER QUICK CAPTURE" images from your second post. They have strong visual interest but don't look overly cluttered of "kit-bashed". I don't think anyone could question your artistic or technical abilities, though.

    Just my two cents.
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