Hi veryone,
here's some screenshot of our last project, a video concerning Turin area evolution during last 2 million years, using real world elevation maps etc.
Everything is rendered in real-time using our previs software MESH, then post-produced for the final video, a 12 camera (360 degrees split) visualization.
The final video was good but later we developed more post processing filters and shaders, so we updated the project and took some screenshot that I post here: real-time renders only, no post production.
Software used: MESH, Maya, WorldMachine, Photoshop and GIMP, VueInfinite (for skyboxes only).
MESH uses OGRE as internal rendering engine along with custom developed shaders and production pipeline.
We do use OGRE, but we developed custom shaders and production pipeline based on Maya.
Everything is real-time, lighting is interactive, no global illumination tricks for now, just direct lighting and some ambient occlusion maps.
And a lot of real time post processing too
Also great to see Torino (being my city) in a documentary and in cg too !
I've worked with real terrains too a few times (though on a much smaller / simpler scale ) It must have been quite a task ! realworld terrain data and realtime 3d don't go together easily !
Thank you Nizu, the workflow between ArcGis / DEM elevation files and WorldMachine was quite easy, the real fun was working with geologists to argue how to de-erode the present terrains to obtain terrains of 500k years ago.
We then exported from WorldMachine hi-res height maps (8k),along with several hi-res textures. Then we started painting terrain splats and testing them in Maya, using real-time splatting cg shaders, on a lowpoly mesh.
Then imported everything in our tool , MESH, to light, animate and post process everything.
If you come from Turin, you can see the 12 screens video in Palazzo Madama exhibition!
I haven't been to the exhibition yet but i'm going to soon, must be impressive on a panoramic screen, and at OGR must be interesting too , i've seen the previz. video on your Vimeo page , great stuff .
We'll have a workshop at View conference with TopIX, I think we'll meet there!