for the budget constrained, great tablet options you have!
I have the old Bamboo Pen and Touch (now replaced by an Intuos4
L), and apart from the size not fitting the way I work (hence the
L :P), I found it a very very good tablet to use.
Dont let the pressure levels fool you, as its the same as we used just fine in the high end lines only a few years ago.
1024 is enough for 99% of the work we usually do.
Looks like its at a nice price point too.
200 bucks for the big one, and a 100 bucks for the smaller one.
edit: oh and they have wireless options for em! (that you can add later)
Make my first tablet look like shit.
same prices?
Maybe I could sell my old one <_<
Looks good to me!
The only thing entry level about the medium sized one is their marketing.
I'm pretty sure my Intuos3 only has 1024 levels of sensitivity, and I've never thought 'man I'd love another 1024 levels'. We only have to take a quick look at the art being produced on the Inutos3, heck, even earlier models, and we can see that clearly nobody really needs 2048 levels. If my 3 broke today, I'd much sooner buy one of these than an Inutos4, they look great!
I reckon far more people would buy these if they dropped the 'beginner' stigma attached to them... of course, fewer people would buy the Intuos4 then I suppose.
Of course, if you need a bigger tablet, or love the extra buttons on an Intuos then fine, but I've been really attracted to this Bamboo line since the previous generation of them, I think they're amazing for the price.
But the nib is wearing away, so I'm gonna have to get a new one soon-ish. I'll probably get another Bamboo, I love the feel of them, and that they don't take up my entire desk.
Does anyone have experience with touch+pen in ZBrush? You could Move/rotate/scale with touch and sculpt with the pen, sounds like it could be good.
[EDIT] Seems there's replacement pens, so YAY!! Found some nibs too, but I seriously can't get this one out of the pen...
The bamboo I bought back a few years ago (the first generation) was the first tablet I ever used. Comparing this one to that is unbelievable and I agree what you say. As long as this product provides the same feel as the one I used back then with the specs of intuos 3 then I think any consumer is getting a very good deal.
Still, you can't underestimate the intuos4. Many beg to differ but I personally feel very comfortable using that compared to the intuos3, and possibly this one. Then again, I never used the intuos3 much and transferred from a bamboo to the 4 so it mightve been that people was more used to using the 3.
The touch feature would work exactly like the pen in Z, since you have to hold alt.. And its limited to two finger inputs (Atleast the older model is) so pinch zooming in Z does not work.
It basically is like a poor mans version of Apples touch pad thingy when it comes to how the touch features work.
Two finger rotate in Photoshop worked when I used mine on the iMac at work, but never got it to work on my pc at home for some reason. I think it was due to the horribly idiotic built in pen/touch drivers Microsoft have in in windows since Win Vista came out.
Not used the bamboo in a while now so I dunno if its been fixed or changed.