hey guys!so i decided to redign a mech that i was working on a couple of months ago. i had no concept at the beginning and i ended up with a too noisy mesh and a bad composition
now what ive done is getting rid of all the smaller parts and went crazy with the move tool to get a better silouhette and try to fix the design.
Theres no part that i want to keep at any price but theres some things that i think was more succesful to communicate the idea i had for the mech,
A bulk but very fals mech that is attacking mainly in melee so:
I would prefer to keep:
-the reactors on the back
-the shield(can change shape)
-the smooth and aerodynimic mech look
please ignore the right leg, theres a couple of parts missing on each picture
so i would like to know wich one you like the most and if any part would fit more on other design etc..
anyway, i need your help on this one guyz!
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Once you figure out it's purpose some parts will no longer be required and allow you to make a better decision on what it should look like.
But as for what parts I'd work with are Helmet of #2, chest and neck piece and back of #1.
As for the legs I think that the reactor exhausts or the plates would get in the way if he was walking.
Hope this all mde sense, I wanted to get as much as I could out cause I love this concept, it has a lot of potential
still verry soft on alot of part but we can get the idea.
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your damn right about the leg exhauslt plate! if im keeping it ill make it smaller.
as for the purpose of the mech,i want it to be mainly a close combat armor , with heavy protection(bulk,shield) but very fast to be able to engage the combat without getting hit so theres 3 pairs of reactors
the first on the back to fly and for the main propulsion
and the other 4 one in front and back of the legs for mid air stabilisation.
ill finish the number one and ill try the mix you said after
For my money the new design doesn't hold together as well as the original. The proportions aren't as appealing and the individual plates don't seem to coalesce quite as nicely.
I think a large part of the problem stems from the fact that he's got enormous feet and then the rest of him gets proportionately smaller as it goes up. This deisgn could probably could work with some finessing but I think they tend to make him look heavy and cumbersome rather than smooth and aerodynamic, which will likely be a particular factor if you're going to have him flying around.
I think your right, ill tweak the proportion.
Bigger shoulder, smaller legs/feet
But Ill try more variation but ill definlty wont keep the original
Anyway thx alot ill definitly fix that issue!
By fred2303 at 2011-09-28
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