hi guys.
i don't do a lot of environment stuff but figured it would be good to show that i can! i was playing WAR a couple of nights ago, and as usual i was cought offguard by how pretty some of the environments were, and took a screenshot figuring "that would be cool to try to replicate".
so here's the screenshot:

and here's where i think my process needs to go, please crit away:

yellow - tiled floor texture
green - large modular assets, can be placed anywhere but should be considdered individual assets on their own
red - assets made of modular sections, each asset will likely have a single panel repeated to make the full asset.
purple - bespoke "eye catchers"
that's the order in which i intended to make the assets themselves, i'm also aware that the earthy ground will need it's own tileable texture, and i'll need to create some rock formations which can be scattered about the place.
please, feel free to comment/criticise the workflow, as i don't usually do this sort of stuff and i welcome the feedback!
Maybe just start blocking things out to get a feel of the composition and the world itself
I think it's supposed to be a screenshot from the game.
Which game are we talking about? What is WAR? In that case my critique goes out to the designers of the game.
Well if you read the first post, it's the game WAR which my guess is Warhammer Age of Reckoning? I'm not sure though.