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I experimented this weekend and giving away the results (free texture)

The game engine that I use (C4 Engine - it rocks) supports Horizon Maps (self shadowing normal maps) and I was curious on its advantage. I built a stone rock wall to test the technique and it's really cool. Anyway, I've released my textures (Diffuse, normal, height all at 1024^2 res) for free (just don't resell them)! Not the coolest thing in the world, but I've learned so much here at PC that this is my little way of giving back!

Youtube video in action: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87EQQlz9X5w&feature=player_embedded[/ame]

Download at : http://www.filedropper.com/rock_1
C4 Engine post with more detailed discussion : http://www.terathon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=11188&p=101816


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