Hey guys, I'm kinda new at using udk. I wanted to know if you guys had any tips about lighting a daytime scene, I've looked up some tutorials online but they're kinda vague and don't go into a lot of detail. I've already setup a dominant direction light and made sure the environment color and bounce lights are good, any more advice would be appreciated.
LIGHT - a detailed tutorial
All I can really suggest is get a reference photo for the type of lighting you want and try to match it as closely as possible. Take a screenshot then compare to the photo, tweak a setting, re-bake lighting, take another screenshot and see if it gets you closer to what you want. Don't tweak multiple settings all at once or you won't know what affect they are having individually.
You should read through Chris Albeluhn's UDK - Lightmass Tutorial and UDN's lightmass documentation if you haven't already done so.