Hi there, My name is Alex Jerjomin, and i was watching the Polycount for some time now, and now i finally decided to star my WIP thread here.:)
At the moment I study Games art At Hertfordshire University near London
I would be very happy to get some feedback or some hints on my work
At the moment i work on 3 peaces... Character, Weapon and Locomotive
I have finished the hirez meshes and now trying to get it all baked and textured for UDK

I have made it for a short film that i was planning to do as my project in university, but i have decided to go in different detection, so here it is
When do you graduate?
+1 on showing some textures, if you want of course
Spunky, im working on m4 atm, i havent done the low rez yet tho
hmmm, i suppose i could do