Im a frequent reader of the forum, but I have just registered to get some critique on my portfolio. Please feel free to comment on everything from the website to the pieces shown to well... anything you like to comment on.
The most important things I would like to know:
- Should I remove certain pieces because theyr not good enough?
- What are the best pieces?
- What am I missing? (ie: what to work on next, to make the portfolio more complete)
Personally i feel like i should work more on my texturing skills, but i can´t really figure out on what type of model/scene.
- You might want to reconsider the format of your portfolio, the images are tiny, especially when sitting with 1920x1080 monitor. The fullscreen button is also "hidden" sure it's right there in plain view, but how many people will actually use it? Take some time and have proper big optimized images on your portfolio.
- There is no easy way for people to save your portfolio pics when you're using flash.
- There is no reason for you to have an animation tab if you don't have anything good to show their. Everybody can mess around with a rig.
- You need to work on your presentation skills, all the models are shown on either a white or a black background which is not great for showing off models. You also need to learn more about lighting for video games and maybe show some stuff out in some kind of editor.
- You're not showing any specmaps or normalmaps, maybe you should becomes it all ties into the presentation stuff. Might be because some of the stuff doesn't have them etc but showing your knowledge of how to work them would be good. As well as some kind of high-to-low poly baking.
- On the miscellaneous page you have a nazy ship, that has lods, but you're not showing the lods? I don't see the point of this really.
- Where do you live? Maybe have some kind of information about what country you're living in at least.
I think you're best pieces are the ships, you don't really have an environment to show either but lots of unfinished/untextured work. Try to get some of the stuff into a real-time setting.
Good luck man! Hope I helped!
-I set up the pages all at once, but im still working on the animation stuff, so that should be on the website soon. But iv hidden the page for untill there's something to show.
-The Lod's were actually for a ship model... dont know how they ended up in misc. Fixed it.
I guess ill have to make a vid of the lod scaling and add that, sometime soon. The key in ship models is that they scale back alot. Theyr pretty highpoly for an 2008 game (roughly 30k), but they scale back to 3k, so thats why i was showing them.
-And finally, i guess ill elaborate some more on the info. I guess i should have the info more prominently on the homepage, right now you still have to scroll down to see it.
I should put more of my work in existing environment to improve presentation. And for my next project, i think you'd like to see something baked from highpoly to lowpoly with specular and normal maps?
//edit: i walked through your portfolio, nice stuff, i guess i can learn a bit from that presentation. Keep the critique coming