When I want to get a correct result from a tangentspace normalmap on a skinned mesh. Do I have to put in my hlsl shader code somthing like that?
finalPosition += mul(input.pos, mWorldMatrixArray[indexArray[iBone]]) * blendWeightsArray[iBone];
finalNormal += mul(input.normal, (float3x3)mWorldMatrixArray[indexArray[iBone]]) * blendWeightsArray[iBone];
finalTangent += mul(input.tangent, (float3x3)mWorldMatrixArray[indexArray[iBone]]) * blendWeightsArray[iBone];
Like calculating my correct normals and tangents from my base-pose + bone transformation? Or is this just for special cases?
I'm bit confused bc in max you don't have to worry about it as far as I know. At least I haven't see something like that in my node-based shader work from shaderFX.
I'm using the hlsl shader with ogre btw and my tangents and normals are baked into the vertex data of the mesh.