Hi guys, having a little trouble baking this AO using maya 2012 and wondered if any of you out there could help.
The normal has come out perfect using transfer maps, but when I try to bake the AO I get this result.
Any Ideas on whats going wrong?
Thanks guys.
Thanks Throttlekitty. Yeah I've deleted history and freeze transformed it. The normals are fine....no double faces as far as I'm aware.
If there were double faces wouldn't this mess the normal bake up too? (Which is coming out perfect in transfer maps).
Been stuck on this for a while now, I know I could use XNormal to get around it but I would really like to do this inside maya and get a flow down.
I can't think of any questions right now. Do you mind posting an obj?
Was planning to test setting up the MRAmbient material myself and just transfering the shaded map, but haven't gotten around to it, maybe it would work better.
Otherwise I just bake my ambient occlusion map in xNormal, with a cage I generate in Maya to make sure it fits with my normal bake.
When I looked into this I was told that the workflow is to uv your high, bake the ao from the high onto its uvs, and then transfer it along with your normal map as a diffuse map with transfer maps.... Yeah, like that is something I would ever do.
I use XN whenever I bake in Maya. Besides, I bet AO in maya would be super-ass-slow,when I do work in Maya 2008 the normal bake takes about as long as the AO bake in XN, but maybe 2012 is actually multithreaded??