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[Portfolio] Tom Wilkinson, Environment Artist

Hello polycount forums!

Long time lurker decides to finally signup and contribute :).
My names Tom Wilkinson and I'm a fairly recent game art graduate from the University of Teesside.

I've managed to put some work together for my portfolio and was hoping to see what you guys/gals make of it.


Am I ready to start applying yet?

I look forward to being part of the community.

Thanks in advance,



  • Sean VanGorder
    Hey man, my first thought when viewing your site is that some of the renders are a little too dark. I know in the scenes the lighting is part of the mood, but for the renders of the individual props, it should probably be brightened up a little to show off your work better.
  • DOG-GY
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    DOG-GY polycounter lvl 12
    To add to Sean's comment, the lighting in some of your work makes it hard to look at. The scifi enviro especially hurts my eyes (on a dark monitor) and the green scifi design is far too dark with greens that distract from the overall design.

    It seems like everything is technically good to go, but work on lighting and learn a bit more on the theory behind making interesting lighting that compliments your subjects.
  • Matroskin
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    Matroskin polycounter lvl 11
    As for the layout, I'd say u could have thumbnails first cauz all those huge images right fom the start feel a bit overwhelming.

    I'd make thumbs at least for major sections (scenes, props etc).

    As for the content itself, to me you props look much better than actual scene that uses them.

    That is mostly because the scene itself has quite weak layout and the room is overall too big for what is placed in it right now.
    The props palcement is quite random without much logic imo.
    The crack in the floor looks bit out of place as there i no clue why it appeared, and there are no other major destructions around.
    I would rather make a smaller scene, but more dense. It could be a simple little "situational" showcase of your quite cool props.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    You should use thumbnails for all you work and expose bigger thubnails for what you think is best of your work. I honestly say I lost interest after third picture.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    neutral color background. This white bg is killing your content with stiff contrast (dark scene, white bg.

    Running diffuse through a filter does not equal a normal map.
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