This is probably really trivial, and pretty nit-picky, but just something I've noticed recently. I've seen a pretty large amount of concepts and models lately with belt straps along the boots. Just seems like an interesting trend. Maybe it's been going on since the beginning of time, but I've just now noticed it. Yeah, they do look cool, and add some dynamics to the legs, but I don't know. Opinions?
A pic for reference
*Wasn't sure whether to put this in TT or GD, but figured that it was somewhat technical since it had to do with design preferences
They could be to indicate a harder edge to a modern character. I tend to find buckle straps in either punk or BDSM inspired wear. On an older themed character they just are pre-shoelace closures.
I am going to go out on a cg historical limb here and submit that the strap explosion of the 21rst century officially began at the dawn of the century with the very first popular CG challenges ( space pirates, apcalypse ) particularly the influential styles of pascal blanch
Also. Adding straps is a great way to break up the silhouette and its a very easy way to add detail. It also adds to the functionality of a concept, making it more believable.
Ha seemed like a more interesting topic to me at 1am
Straps managed to hang on through the the 90's MC Hammer pants and horrific butt in the front pants. After the multi-colored early 90's where over the Doc Martens, Biker Boots, strappy footwear all that stuff sprang up and hung around. But they've been around for a long long time.
Fashion freaks love its straps, buckles, zippers and bondage gear. They can't wait to vomit out the next trend by rehashing their tried and true stuff. Anyone doing any research on clothing is going to run into it, you can't help it.
(not every point applies to all boots with straps, but still)