Hi, all. I have a seemingly simple goal. I want to scale a tool within zbrush in a single dimension. For example in the image below I have a simple cylinder seen from the side. I want to make it longer, ie stretch it out. How can I do this?
The Deformation pallate's Size slider
would work, except that it uses a pivot point which is completely off and I can't reset it.
So I figure I should use the transpose tool. Alas, the transpose tool doesn't seem to stretch or squash. It only lets me uniform-scale or scale in 2 dimensions but not the third.
Any help? Surely this is possible.

Here is something that might help you indepth:
Good luck.
EDIT: Since you already tried using Deformation. While on Side view, Recreate the scale widget ( make sure you have the symmetry off) and while in the side view still, try to stretch it with the far red circle (I think)
This image shows what happens when I try to use the scale transpose tool.
just use the Move Tool, set it and use it like the first cylinder (of the three below).
Good luck
I can't believe that zbrush is actually incapable of performing one of the most basic modeling functions. Does this bother anyone else?
Thanks for the help, all.