Hey guys, I've been busy this summer and didn't have as much time for my personal work. However while working on indie games, I've started picking up a few tricks in Unreal and decided to apply them to my old environment. The lighting sucks for now, because I just want to complete the assets first.

As you can see I still have a bit of work to do. And it takes a bit of time to re-do all the assets. The problem is when I was working on the original Max version I did not take into consideration scale, grid and proper unwrapping (and now I'm paying for it)...


I've put together a quick WIP demo of the game level in action
Anyways hope you like it, and I'll keep posting my updates here.
work on that lighting, i hope to see some glowing floors
look at the 1.46 mark in this GoW video. check out that glowing floor !
IMO i think the 4 pipes coming out should be 5X as large as they are now, they just look to small
The rest is from my head :P
There's a guy on here who made a kick ass sci fi and he only used a couple of texture pages. Anyways, might be able to create more "legos" from this method, spending more time in engine than making unique things.
It's looking good, you've got big shapes and small details, no lack there, you've also got some dings and scratches, maybe a little more? Personal preference. If it's a boiler room, there might be grunge and oil getting on places, kind of like Bioshock type environments.
Though in-game might give more ideas than these concepts.
As you can see I've added a control panel. (Don't worry about the empty bottom portion, it will be partially hidden by the catwalk). I think its time to bake on lowpoly
There is no blue metal and no specs either; as mentioned above, lighting is basic just until I finish the assets...
Didn't have the time to work on lighting yet, still 3 assets left to finish off. But I'll get to it as soon as possible! Also working on the animations and the particle effects in UDK. Just threw in some quick stuff to block out timing and overall look using kismet. Here is another vid of the level in action:
As always, critique/tips welcome
Tips & tricks are very appreciated! Post your lighting suggestions (I really need them)
Crits on your latest lighting update:
The Blue lighting is giving off the same tone over all the assets. So your are losing all your forms.
Those orange lit generators should be blowing out alot of warmer tones, probably almost reaching all the way over to the pillars on the otherside.
In short; Work out your main forms 1st, then Focus on where light bounces and where shadows fall into the silhouette.
Heres a black n white version, to focus on your light/dark values 1st (if your are having trouble with color) Its Extreme! but just to show where the main focuses are in the scene.
Anyways, here's another shot :
I think what it might be missing is some particle/environment effects. Maybe some extra depth of field , heat haze from the machines etc
Rule of thirds would be good here.
Right now I think that the right-most part is making it harder. It's the most interesting thing visually. I really think the door should be the thing that stands out. Why doesn't the door stand out? Well it has blue lights, just like the rest of the scene.
On my screen the scene is really really dark, try to brighten things up without making it too noisy. Be sure to be careful if you have a "sharpen"-postprocess effect or if you do it manually in photoshop. Maybe a vignette will add some more depth to the scene?
Quick fix in photoshop before I start working xD
Mind you, I don't know how dark your is on your screen but we have pretty good screens here at work so...oh well hope I didn't make it too bright or contrasty or anything.
Try and mess around with your screenshot, or your scene using the "Lens Blur"-effect in photoshop, to get a nice "squint"-effect so that you can easier see where the eye goes and where the most interesting elements are. I really like the scene so far, really nice use of color and still make it look very Sci-Fi, good work!
Looking better and better, keep pushing it. Only crit for ya is to create focus. I agree adding some particles would make it cool but dont overdo it. Your scene has so much going on already. Create some subtle particles. Perhaps some smokey ground fog or steam swelling in the ceiling. Also, creating color filters can help harmonize the scene and create more emotion, try leaning towards a slight purple or green filter to get that cold, brooding metal feel, right now its very white and clean.
It's looking good though, it's a nice folio piece!:)
i really like all the small little details you put into it.
the animated status thingy, broken vent, and the dust.
The only thing i didnt like was the ending.
The camera should still be moving into the white light.
kinda like the end of the movie the dark knight
i hope to see that new project ur working on soon !
I'll probably touch up on this some time in the future, but I just wanted to wrap it up for now :P