what game engine are you trying to get the models into?
if its; source which im assuming you need a smd export than you need to write a qc and use source sdk to compile the smd's to a mdl for the game engine.
TF2 uses Source, so you will need access to those tools to make a mod for TF2. Can't give you more info on the mac side of things, except to recommend that you dual-boot with Windows if you're planning on doing any game dev stuff. Most programs used in game dev are primarily or exclusively for Windows.
Source SDK comes with any source game you have, like TF2. It shows up in the Steam library under tools, so you have them, but weather they'll work on a mac or not is another story.
There just aren't that many game development tools that work with a mac and probably even less for TF2 because it was create 100% on a windows platform. I have to agree with Dim, if you're going to make mods for games that where built using windows then you're probably going to need to dual boot.
passerby was right in describing the process. You export meshes and animations in .smd format, then compile them using the tools in the Source SDK. There really isn't any other way to get models into a Source based game like TF2. Source uses a highly modified version of the mdl format so even if you found a mdl compiler that worked it wouldn't compile them correctly the way Source needs them to be. For that you need to use the source compiler.
ya what mark said you will need windows to do this since even if you got sdk working on a mac there are lots of other tools you will want/need to use like vtfedit.
if its; source which im assuming you need a smd export than you need to write a qc and use source sdk to compile the smd's to a mdl for the game engine.
As for exporting, I've never done that, so check the Valve Developer Community page.
and the SMDTools page
than you will need to learn how to write proper QC files so source sdk can compile your exported smds.
and than make your materials and textures of course.
I don't have
1) Source SDK
2) Windows
All I needed was to make mods for Team Fortress 2. Sorry if I didn't explain this part clearly, or at all. (wow, I need to practice on context.)
There just aren't that many game development tools that work with a mac and probably even less for TF2 because it was create 100% on a windows platform. I have to agree with Dim, if you're going to make mods for games that where built using windows then you're probably going to need to dual boot.
passerby was right in describing the process. You export meshes and animations in .smd format, then compile them using the tools in the Source SDK. There really isn't any other way to get models into a Source based game like TF2. Source uses a highly modified version of the mdl format so even if you found a mdl compiler that worked it wouldn't compile them correctly the way Source needs them to be. For that you need to use the source compiler.