It has come to a point where i need some help, i understand prefabs from an old topic i created that will be very useful to me later on down the line. However the problem is exporting meshes from maya to udk. The image below shows what i mean.
In maya i can set up refrences, i have master file so that i can reload my refrences and update them, i then want these to go along a curve the image only shows part of it, it should be a complete oval.
Now i believe my option would be to duplicate them along the curve and export all of them into udk, not very efficient. Export one into udk and instance them to create the oval. The ideal would be to export the curve and the meshes and that udk to know which ones sholud be instanced, dont think it can do that though
Does that make sense?
Thanks in advance
What's wrong with doing this? This is what you would normally do.
However if these objects are very small and not very high poly then you could easily just join them together into one big piece. It's not worth having lots of tiny pieces to save a few hundred polys.