Thought it was time to bite the bullet and sign up to polycount.
A tad daunting looking at other's work.
I finished my Games Art course in July, 1st class with Honours (does a jig, my only proud moment in life).
The 1st year was art only, so only been using 3dsmax, zbrush, and photoshop for 2 years now.
Wanted to see what u fellas thought of my recent characters, Tesla and Predator. Both are around 20k triangles. Tesla was my 2nd attempt to rig, predator my 3rd, with only marginal success/improvement.
[no image attachment on polycount? what the duece??]


Obviously, University is now over and i need to get off my arse and find work. Getting hired in the Industry is hard enough, even moreso in England, and being a character artist, its impossible. But to be honest, I've hardly made an effort to get hired so far, just wanted to enjoy time off during the Summer.
Crits please? especially ideas on how to present my Predator pieces nicely.
Be gentle, i'm a poly-virgin. :poly121:
ps. dont have a website either.
You should work on emphasizing the focal points of your characters like the face and create some contrast between the metal/fleshy bits ( on the predator in particular) using value/hue/tonal shifts... I know this is very general, and I'm sure someone else will be able to provide more helpful feedback. This is just my initial impression.
I really dig your work, and don't think you'll have too much trouble finding work if you clear up a few ambiguities in the different parts of the character.
for instance, it looks like he's wearing leather pants... and if i remember correctly, the predators basically naked with fishnet/metal armor.
a lot of the details are a bit muddy in the sculpt as well. especially in the hands and in the exposed fleshy bit on his right side..
In presenting your art, it's important to remember that silhouette is the most important thing. With a character as recognizable as this, you're going to get a lot of mileage out of more dynamic poses.
end rant and good job
Then your first priority would be to get one. Presenting your work (setting up a portfolio) in a professional manner is a key to getting hired in the industry. Get noticed!
What pose did u want the sillouette in?
for now, here's a quick turntable i did:
Btw which uni did you go to? I did a course in Interactive Media Design in Edinburgh which introduced me to 3D art (which was great) but there were only 3 modules, none of which focused on game art (which was disapointing).
The University was sub-par, the city is a ****-hole, but the course and course leader were great.
year 1 focused on character design (learnt ABSOLUTELY nothing), 2d animation (which i hated) and theory.
Only started using 3dsmax in 2nd year, and they had to force me to use PS over paintshoppro.
Only experience in games before the course was a stargate mod i did for an old Jedi Knight Game.
Thanks for all the feedback guys, going to try get website up asap.