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Breaking into the industry-The world has you chained to a rock

Hey all,

I've found myself in quite the predicament,
I've had a passion for game art since I was seven years old when my father brought home google sketchup and a copy of 3ds max 6 from work, since than I've worked as hard as I can, in excess of 15 hours a day to excel in the field and land myself the job of my dreams.

The problems I am fronted with are as follows.

1. I am a homeless minor, currently in San Diego county, but soon to be on my way to Los Angeles, my home, and the only place I know I can survive; I travel around with my computer in my backpack, and two pairs of clothes, street, and formal.

2. I am seventeen years old, I'll be eighteen in four months, but I don't have four months to waste, my life depends on it.

3. I cannot afford college, and I do not qualify for any form of federal aid, apparently disqualifying me from any open internship positions.

I'm not expecting to hop on a train to Los Angeles and be met with a 401k plan and guaranteed lifelong work; However, I need a place to learn, a place to make contacts, and if at all possible, a place to make enough money to get me a studio apartment month to month. I've been told by friends, family, and modders alike that the quality of my work far surpasses that of most games they play, I call bullshit. I need help, I need experience, and I need a way to learn.

If there is anyone out there, with any way, to get me an interview, for anything, anywhere, I would owe you the world, and quite literally my life; both my parents have more or less abandoned me, and I have nowhere else to turn, seeing as noone responds to my craigslist ads...

On the edge of my seat,
Payton A. Quinn

P.s. If this is a plus at all, I make some great coffee, and I do any and all work presented to me, regardless of prior knowledge with a passion that is quite literally stemmed from my lust for survival.

::Edit:: I can be reached at any time at:


  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    Post your portfolio.
  • TheWildHunt
    I don't have a website or anything, should I post what I have here?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Better than nothing :)
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Sure, post your best work in this thread. Post em in imageshack or photobucket or something.
  • TheWildHunt
    Plane Speed Sculpt:skullx.jpg

    Sphere Speed Sculpt:bustcopy.jpg

    Shield asset replacer for TESIV:Oblivion:beautyrenderf.jpg

    WIP High Poly sculpt (ears missing due to engine limitations):dunmerfem2.png

    WIP armor sculpt:saviorshidewip06.png

    based on this concept by Robert Simons:screenshot20101212at125.png

    I think thats All I have on this harddrive guys....
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • TheWildHunt
    Thanks very much for the clarification, I had it in my reference folder with no clue who painted it....
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    His name is on the bottom right of the concept you posted.
  • TheWildHunt
    Oh my...I feel like a fool now, I never noticed that....
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    If that's your best work, then you still need a bit more to go until you're going to get hired at a game studio. You're certainly quite good for your age and position though.

    First you really need to find out what kind of services homeless shelters can provide you. A lot of them can set you up with a job and a place to live. Once you can support yourself you can buckle down and focus on putting together a kick ass portfolio.

    Having a place to live is important. Not many people will be willing to hire a homeless kid, so setting yourself up with a job (no matter how shitty) and a place to live should be your first priority.

    At your age I worked as a busboy and before that I helped landscape and dug ditches. There's plenty of time to worry about getting a job you actually want after you've gotten some stability in your life.

    You're not going to find a paid internship, those are incredibly rare, and I don't think you should be wasting your time at an unpaid one, not when you have bigger problems.

    Good luck!
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    damn man, My condolences about your parents...
    If you can channel that into your work would be great forsure, you are already better than 95% of the artists that have jobs now were at your age.
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    First of all, you need to focus on more important things like getting a homebase setup. I was in the situation when I was 17, only I wasn't lucky enough to live in a big city. I had to camp in the woods until I found places to crash and eventually rent.

    Your work has promise but the presentation and type of work doesn't show off your skills the best. Do some game rez props and show you can work in a studio and not be a student. Most studios aren't going to take a gamble with a portfolio like yours since they can't determine if you can be a valuable asset. Plus they won't want to hire someone with no where to live and not proven to be realiable to show.

    1. bug family, friends, strangers for a place to live. If family won't help you and get angry because you ask, oh well. Thats what family is there for.
    2. Get a cheap labor job to make some $$ and get some food.
    3. hang around polycount. Do game rez stuff. simple props if you must and just crank them out to show what you can really do. think like a production artist and just show work. dedicate all your free time outside of work to the trade and keep up with posting here. if you're a cool enough guy and take advice well, some polycounter will eventually find something for ya.

    I might have some friends in the Santa monica area I could ask around for a spare bed/place to crash if ya need it.. but its a 50/50 chance.
  • TheWildHunt
    Thanks everyone,

    I'm going to call up the San Diego Rescue Mission and see if I can get a room there. Regarding working on props, etc, is there any pieces in particular I should work on show? (fire hydrant, ammo box, cliff face, etc)
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    It depends on what you want to do. It looks like you do a lot of sculpting in Zbrush which is only part of it. You need to know how to create a finished game asset.

    Good luck with everything dude. Keep your end goal in mind and you'll get there.
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    Wow, you are in some predicament, Its a shame your on the other side of the world, otherwise i might be able to help out...

    I can't beleive that american welfare is so terrible. I made it all through uni on a gov't allowance and govt student loan.

    But yes, your number one thing is to find a basecamp, a place to stay, and if you want the job, you need to make finished and quality assets. Complete assets that are ready to be put into a game.

    Good luck man, Keep us updated with how your going as well.
  • TheWildHunt
    Hey all,

    A little clarification, not to sound like an arrogant shit, but by no means is this my best work, this is only what I have on my imageshack account, which I don't use all that often. I've got just as much experience making game res assets as I do sculpting (except I was a professional sculptor at a fabrication studio in new york for awhile), I simply do not have any pictures of them.

    I shall start off tonight with something hardsurface and post it up in P&P, please remember everyone, critiques and comments are absolutely adored, as I want nothing more than to learn, and learn, until I can get a job, and than learn some more...

    anyways, thanks all,
  • Noia
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    Noia polycounter lvl 15
    It sounds like you have bigger issues to address before you should worry about breaking into the game industry. Homeless minor in LA? Streetwise or not, you are likely to end up in a much uglier situation than you imagine.

    You sound like you have a good work ethic and talent, and you should think this out more first. Seventeen year olds cannot sign contracts, apartment leases, etc. If you are a runaway, anyone that helps you and doesn't turn you in can actually be charged with a crime. If you are in an abusive situation or were actually abandoned, you need to go to social services or to a school counselor or to a shelter so you can at least not have to worry about your next meal.

    As for college if you want to go, you can file as an independent (meaning financially you are on your own and your family cannot claim you on taxes), and receive much more financial aid than you would normally. There are also grants and scholarships available that can help you if you do this.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah I would agree with Noia. You really should focus on your personal life first. You sound like you have a lot of things that take precedent. Games will not be the magical rainbow that fixes everything. I'm not sure how you're homeless and have enough power to run your laptop all day?
  • TheWildHunt
    Thanks for the reply everyone,

    In regards to my situation, my father is and was a gigantic pothead, which made him very unstable, and he started verbally abusing and berating my girlfriend and myself, which upset me, and when I politely asked him not to, he said, "Its my house Payton, If you don't like my rules, than you can leave." So I did, shortly thereafter, my older brother who has always been the favorite, moved into my dads house, occupying my old room, leaving me on the streets of Albuquerque, I'm currently living in San Diego, and until two days ago, had a place to stay with one of my best friends, and now I'm living with my other friend until I can get an opening at the homeless shelter in downtown.

    In regards to my rig, I own an HP pavillion slimline 3300F pc, its quite small and fits in my backpack, so I put my computer, keyboard, and mouse in my backpack, along with other micro-essentials, and have my blanket, pillow, and monitor strapped to the back, I plug it in at gas stations, mini marts, libraries, etc, anywhere I can find a power outlet...
  • Jeremy Tabor
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    Jeremy Tabor polycounter lvl 14
    Sounds like a tough time, and it's a shame things turned out the way they did, but what everyone is saying here is absolutely the correct course of action. You gotta get the essentials taken care of before worrying about the dream job.

    Your potential is through the roof for sure, but it is just that.. potential. You definitely don't want to squander that possibility of success in the future by not addressing immediate issues of health and safety. So do what you have to do in the mean time to establish some stability in your life, and then worry about the particulars. You've been given a lot of good ways to go about accomplishing that in this thread.

    As far as a little bit of advice of my own. I had a number close friends growing up that have unfortunately been in a similar spot to your current one, and just take comfort in knowing that there are only two ways to go from here.

    1) you can let your situation define you. This often results in the most ultimate of consequences.


    2) You can get angry, and do as much within your power to remedy the situation... any help you receive along the way is a blessing and should be treated as such.

    People close to my heart have chosen both paths, and that is the only reason I feel comfortable in saying that a lot of overcoming a rough patch, in any scenario, is in the mental approach. So keep a positive attitude, work tirelessly, and be unconditionally kind to people, and you will receive your chance. That's just how society works.

    PM me if you want to discuss some of this stuff further, and best of luck to you, young sir. Your in my prayers.
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    Hey man, listen to what everyone on here is saying..You're 17 and have your entire life ahead of you..If you keep your attitude and determined outlook going there will be nothing but opportunity for you. Take care of you first and the rest will follow. Make sure that when you turn 18 studios can do nothing but hire you. You already have what a huge percentage of people on this planet lack and that is drive, passion and motivation... Keep it up and keep a PMA= Positive Mental Attitude!!
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    As a fellow escapee from Albuquerque, I say Congrats. On the streets in SD is way better than on the streets in ABQ.

    That said: You're still on the streets. Take care of yourself down there. CA seems really good for social services. If you make mean coffee, try for starbucks. Kept a roof over my head for the first year I was out here, plus there's free wi-fi and coffee. Good for the artwork.

    Write up a resume if you don't have one already, detail what you've done and any skills you have. Maybe put up a linked in profile for easy reference of your work and aforementioned skills. The connection network around here goes pretty far and wide, and even if there isn't a "hire you right now for a game studio" spot open, perhaps someone can at least get you a lead somewhere, and anywhere is better than nowhere (or many parts of ABQ...)

    @Lroy: you'd be surprised. There are a lot of power and bandwidth options available for free or near free.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Firstly, listen to Noia. There's little chance you'll hit up a games job just yet. Focus on stabilizing your situation. I've been in a very similar situation to you, I spent most of last year living out of a hostel, eating meals in a homeless shelter, and I know its scary, and you can't see how its going to get better but it will. You can PM me if you need to. Just focus on getting a regular job for now, and try to get to know some people that can help you (social workers etc).
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    Keep it strong, mate. Be realistic with your situation - you're not getting a game art job right away with stuff you've got, so as everyone said prioritize and take care about getting some income and a place to live first. Don't expect people to give you a job just because you need one bad, 'cause it's serious business and things are not done this way. The only way in is to outdo your competition and it seems like you have right mindset for that - don't let poor prioritizing ruin that.

    Good luck!
  • Acr0
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    Acr0 polycounter lvl 5
    Get a portfolio online: http://carbonmade.com/ is free and a popular service

    Focus on basic survival. Get a min wage or manual labor job to get some income and a permanent address, and keep up your modeling in the evening. You have all the time in the world at 17 to break into the industry.
  • TheWildHunt
    Thanks for all the replies everybody!

    The situation has been resolved, and I'll be moving up to L.A. this saturday, and hopefully find a job within the month, looking forward to meeting up with anyone whos up in the area!

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