Cool stuff, I drooled over the level when he released it himself.
On another note they added the ability to invert the green channel when importing textures, which I had asked for in on one of those wishlist threads on the UDK forums. So it's cool to see that they pay attention to their community. Or maybe they just added the feature and never saw my post, either way I'm happy it's there :P
Why is everyone so psyched over Mac support? Isn't it just the ability to deploy the games to Mac? So presumably you've got to develop on a PC, then send it over to your Mac, or dual boot between Win and Mac.
Currently I'm running a 99% Mac workflow.. Maya, Mudbox, Photoshop, CrazyBump all on Mac, and I have to dual boot into Windows to do the UDK side of things... which is a pain in the ass when I'm back and forth to fix mesh issues for example.
I really dislike it when people crib about no mac support, no mac versions, no mac demos etc. You knew what you signed up for when you handed over your credit card, please deal with it. I find threads on CGTalk about new software get really clogged up if theres no mac version.
Another SHWEET update by UDK Leaving Cryengine in the dust.
Why is everyone so psyched over Mac support? Isn't it just the ability to deploy the games to Mac? So presumably you've got to develop on a PC, then send it over to your Mac, or dual boot between Win and Mac.
Yeah, I'm amped for the deployment, and potential work I can get from it. It's what I do. So for me it's not a problem. For people with one machine, yeah, I can see it being a bitch to dev for using UDK with the Boot-Camp stuff though.
When do they typically put up releases, at the end of the month? I'm downloading the September version now, hope they don't turn around and upload the October one in a few hours :P
On another note they added the ability to invert the green channel when importing textures, which I had asked for in on one of those wishlist threads on the UDK forums. So it's cool to see that they pay attention to their community. Or maybe they just added the feature and never saw my post, either way I'm happy it's there :P
EDIT: Looks like just support for games. Still waiting for that OS X Editor support!
Damn you Apple. DAMN YOU TO HELL!!
**says this while looking at the Mac Store**
Why is everyone so psyched over Mac support? Isn't it just the ability to deploy the games to Mac? So presumably you've got to develop on a PC, then send it over to your Mac, or dual boot between Win and Mac.
Currently I'm running a 99% Mac workflow.. Maya, Mudbox, Photoshop, CrazyBump all on Mac, and I have to dual boot into Windows to do the UDK side of things... which is a pain in the ass when I'm back and forth to fix mesh issues for example.
I'll be excited when the editor runs on a Mac.
Another SHWEET update by UDK
Mac support is awesome. Seems like it's baking games and playing. It will be really nice if the full editor is coming in a few months for osX.
Someday I should really take a closer look at UDK...