I worked on 2 unity games as an Environment Artist, You may know the first one cuz we worked together with Orb on this game Crasher and after i switched to DeathMonsters wich is unfortunately a dead game due the economic dismissal of the same company. It was my first "nextgen" game experience.
2 games with two human size teams, i really enjoyed working with them on those projects cuz i just learned so much.
I recently finished my portfolio, so now i can show you some of my work.
Man...I'm all about your rocks... Stones/Rocks have always been a huge hurdle for me (texture wise). If you have the time, can you show your process when it comes to texturing them? Or at least tips.
Man...I'm all about your rocks... Stones/Rocks have always been a huge hurdle for me (texture wise). If you have the time, can you show your process when it comes to texturing them? Or at least tips.
Inspiration overload. Your sculpts are amazing. Everything I have seen from this studio has been awesome. You guys are pushing Unity to the max. Keep up the good work!
Thanks a lot for all your replies, i'm really glad you guys like it!
ErichWK, Perfectblue:
You must keep in mind that for creating nice Stones/Rocks in this style the most important thing is the highlights.
And in my opinion, all of your creation process depends on it.
here is a little tuto of my process when i created the grave's texture.
As a total newbie in ZBrush, can I ask what brushes you use to achieve the rock sculpts. Im struggling myself at the minute to develop a workflow in ZBrush, and you seem to be the master!
Jaw dropping stuff man! You'r sculpts is pure sex! I'm especially curious about the creation of the stone wall/texture? Were do you start and what approaches to you use on the sculpt? Amazingly crisp.
To my opinion DeathMonsters was not a good game, because the gameplay wasn't very funny.
We all would prefered a good and simple "shoot em up" with lot of fun and blood!
But anyway it was a good challenge trying to have a great looking game.
For the sculpting process on the rocks i use mainly the flatten brush with modifier -100 and intensity +100, the planar cut is also a great brush for creating very clean surfaces.
For the cracks, i used a standard brush with aplha and lazymouse, but you can now test orb's brush wich is pretty cool.
otherwise i use the clay brush and the smooth brush, and of course custom alphas.
you are talking about the huts wall or the inca decoration wall? Or maybe an other one.
To my opinion DeathMonsters was not a good game, because the gameplay wasn't very funny.
We all would prefered a good and simple "shoot em up" with lot of fun and blood!
But anyway it was a good challenge trying to have a great looking game.
Totally agree with you !! I worked with Alloa on Deathmonster and it's very cool and talented man ! :poly121:
I'm happy to see these good replies for your thread
You an Orb really raped.
oh, and so is everything else
thanks for sharing this wonderful work!
Yes please. Awesome work by the way.
Just because. Damn that's some fine work!
ErichWK, Perfectblue:
You must keep in mind that for creating nice Stones/Rocks in this style the most important thing is the highlights.
And in my opinion, all of your creation process depends on it.
here is a little tuto of my process when i created the grave's texture.
As a total newbie in ZBrush, can I ask what brushes you use to achieve the rock sculpts. Im struggling myself at the minute to develop a workflow in ZBrush, and you seem to be the master!
Thanks man. Can't wait to see more!
And thanks for sharing your texturing technique!
Thank you for feeding my eyes. Beautiful work!
A real pity about the other game too, it looked like it had a lot of potential, I would have loved to have seen it come to fruition.
Good job man.
To my opinion DeathMonsters was not a good game, because the gameplay wasn't very funny.
We all would prefered a good and simple "shoot em up" with lot of fun and blood!
But anyway it was a good challenge trying to have a great looking game.
For the sculpting process on the rocks i use mainly the flatten brush with modifier -100 and intensity +100, the planar cut is also a great brush for creating very clean surfaces.
For the cracks, i used a standard brush with aplha and lazymouse, but you can now test orb's brush wich is pretty cool.
otherwise i use the clay brush and the smooth brush, and of course custom alphas.
you are talking about the huts wall or the inca decoration wall? Or maybe an other one.
Totally agree with you !! I worked with Alloa on Deathmonster and it's very cool and talented man ! :poly121:
I'm happy to see these good replies for your thread