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3 Blender Questions.

polycounter lvl 9
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jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
1.In Blender 2.59 the "add tool" button in the tool shelf has been removed - later version means going backward in progress now ? ,intresting. anyway is it some way to make a script from older Blender versions so that it may work in 2.59 anyway ?

2. I am looking for a lot of good plugins/scripts to blender. Anyone know where to find them ?

3. Is it anywat to preview models with better shaders in Blender viewport ?

4. Anyone good at python and want to script some?

Thanks alot guys.


  • Next
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    Next polycounter lvl 12
    1. i think new tools/scripts/addons can now be added by loading them in the preferences.

    1.2. u still should be able to run them in the python script window as long as they actually do work.

    2. This is how it works for me: 3D view >press N > scroll to display panel check glsl > switch to textured view mode in the 3D view > create a material with its needed textures and choose correct texture type and influence for each texture> now u should have ur object showing u the material which u assigned. NOTE u need at least 1 point light otherwise all stayes pitch black...

    3. There are many kind of useful addons u can activate in the preferences, but apart these ones, most of them do not work and wont work in the near future as blender is still some subject of change...

  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    1. Well the thing is that the add tool button creates a button in the toolshelf for a command like extrude. How should i do /set in the preferences to make blender add that button as default?

    2. I mean like a webpage with alot of script that you can download ( like scriptspot ).

    thanks alot for the answers !
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    jimpaw wrote: »
    1. Well the thing is that the add tool button creates a button in the toolshelf for a command like extrude. How should i do /set in the preferences to make blender add that button as default?

    2. I mean like a webpage with alot of script that you can download ( like scriptspot ).

    thanks alot for the answers !

    press contorl+u or file > save user preferences and it will save any changes you make to blender to the startup scene.
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    passerby wrote: »
    press contorl+u or file > save user preferences and it will save any changes you make to blender to the startup scene.

    thanks for the answer but that wont help me if i cant create a button in the toolshelf at all.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    jimpaw wrote: »
    1.In Blender 2.59 the "add tool" button in the tool shelf has been removed - later version means going backward in progress now ? ,intresting. anyway is it some way to make a script from older Blender versions so that it may work in 2.59 anyway ?

    2. I am looking for a lot of good plugins/scripts to blender. Anyone know where to find them ?

    3. Is it anywat to preview models with better shaders in Blender viewport ?

    4. Anyone good at python and want to script some?

    Thanks alot guys.

    1.)The Add Tool shelf was removed because it didn't work correctly. Though i think it will be put back in, I'm not sure when. It's not a step backwards, it was a tool that was in the Beta that wasn't stable enough for the actual non-beta releases ;)

    1.2)You can add custom buttons via python, but if you are looking for the extrude button, its already there :) It's located under the Add section in the Mesh tools panel.
    Here is some example code that adds an Extrude button to the tool shelf.

    #You must have the bl_info section for Blender to recognise the script.
    bl_info = {
        "name": "Custom_Button",
        "description": "Adds a custombutton",
        "author": "Your name",
        "version": (0,0,0),
        "blender": (2, 5, 6),   #Blender Version the script was written for.
        "api": 34958,   #Blender revision number of the version of Blender the script was written with.
        "location": "Tool Shelf",   #Location of the custom button.
        "warning": '',  #used for warning icon and text in addons panel.
        "wiki_url": "",
        "tracker_url": "",
        "category": "3D View"}
    #start of the script
    import bpy
    #Panel Name and Properties Below
    class CustomButton(bpy.types.Panel):
        bl_label = "Custom Button"  #Name of the panel
        bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"   #3d view window
        bl_region_type = "TOOLS"    #Where the button will show up
        bl_context = "mesh_edit"    #context of button (editmode etc.)
        def draw(self, context):
            layout = self.layout
    #Panel Name and Properties Below
    class OBJECT_OT_CustomButton(bpy.types.Operator):
        bl_idname = "object_ot.custombutton"
        bl_label = "Button Name"
        bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_move()  #The command that you want the script to perform (this is currently extrude).
    ## registers the button with Blender
    def register():
    def unregister():
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    Yes, you can make old scripts work in new 2.5 versions, but due to the ever changing nature/stabilisation of the Python API, it can be very hard as its a moving target. when you run the script in the python console, check what the errors are and then find out what changes have been made that correspond to the error. Not easy, but certainly doable :)


    3.)You can use the GLSL shader, which is a viewport shader based upon the game engine.
    In the 3d view Properties panel (N key), just change the "Shading" dropdown from Multitexture to GLSL and then apply the textures via the materials/texture view.

    4.)You should really try and learn it yourself...it takes a while but you wont have much luck asking people to write scripts for you without at least trying yourself first. After that people will be very will to help you out :)

    5.)That was 4 questions ;)
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    metalliandy thanks alot man ! , The extrude button was just an example. I know where that is, sorry if you spent time on that. What i want is simply to have to program to do exactly what i want. the best of all whould be a floating toolbar. Learning python i am afraid is out of the question for me. I rather pay someone to do it for me. I work as a freelance environment artist and hardly have time for Blender ;) , The reason i use Blender is mainly for modeling stuff. Then i render it in Maya. I just think its so amazing that Blender is a open source and its almost impossible to find any scripts ? , super strange. Thanks alot for the answers will look into that ;)
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