So, I got bored last night and after a few hours of stalker I felt like modeling something inspired from that game
Got the sign itself pretty much done, still missing the details but I'll add those later.
I've had some trouble finding the right way to texture it since most of the sign is slightly peeling plaster-work and mapping those part on the texture sheet would be a pretty big waste of uvw space I think..
So I made up this layout.. Hope it makes sense
I think if you look at how Thiago Klafke sets up some good modular pieces to texture a scene it might help you out. You could definitely get away with a (512x512) map or for a bit higher details use a (1024x1024) map. Check this link out:
Did you plan on making an environment for the sign to go with? Good luck either way!
Also did the stone tile's the floor sits on.. Nothing major but meh, wanted to post something