I am currently reworking an old project that I started my first year of grad school in preparation of getting my portfolio in order. This project is a abandoned laundromat. I am basing my concept off the photographer
Lori Nix that did a series of prints about abandoned spaces entitled
Abandoned: But Not Forgotten. I will be posting regularly to show updates on the overall layout and models I am constructing for the space. Here is the image my concept is loosely based off of.

Somewhat based off this dryer
ill be following this
i love your texturing and i have a question if you dont mind . how you did this ?
it dosent look like just simple and masked and painting . are you painting on a photo ?
good luck
Ok with this I decided on my colors I wanted to use and then after painting the base textures I found a rust texture online on a seam and then selected the painted areas that were not the right color and brought it into Photoshop and used Match color
Go to Image > Adjustments > Match Color.
Then make the target your original color so it matches that color.
Here is a website for a walk-through tutorial on Photoshop Color Matching
Then after matching the yellow color I cut pieces of the rust and fit them onto the seams where I thought they seemed fit. I am still working on the texture overall but I hope that helps.
As for your other question. As of right now this shot is rendered out from the Marmoset Engine with some prepossessing effects added. I am going to move all the assets I am creating into UDK this week.
My only suggestion so far is that the tv texture, with the cracked glass is kind of random. When you make an environment tell a story, what happened here? now if there was a gun fight or such in the laundromat that crack would make more sense, but why would that crack be there? those kind of things you should maybe think of, or base your scene around making it look like a gunfight just happened.
Just my suggestion, I sometimes overthink though
Also not sure if I want to go with the night time looking scene or the day. I am leaning more toward day.
Lastly for the exterior I am wanting to look at going this direction
To show the effect this is his example of an extreme case of Chromatic Aberration
I ended up using the image as more of a reference and with seeing the recent Silent Hill downpour game I decided to go for a more eerie feeling overall. Still looking for critique.
Something that called my attention are the audio and video inputs of the tv, it looks like an old 80`s or even 70`s model, but those didn`t have such tecnology...i love it as it is, and the tv will never be seen form behind so it doesn`t matter i guess :P
The trash can looks amazing, simple but accurate, did you model it in zbrush? or is it a photosourced texture? either way looks very nice.
And the arcade machine rules!!!! :thumbup:
Your work is very inspiring
I envy you because I've personally been inspired to create a scene very similar to this
I've also been looking at a lot of Silent Hill Downpour stuff as of late, and I LOVE it, seems like you are capturing it really nicely.
Can't wait to see more
Also - Is this a working laundry mat or abandoned? Maybe the broken tiles won't work as well... how about having lose paper / trash / clothes on the ground instead? Maybe try creating a master tinting material for your washing machines so that you can get some quick colour variations (eg. the image you posted - http://i-cdn.apartmenttherapy.com/images/uploads/05.22.laundromat.jpg)
Y no detergent bottle on the floor?
Notice how the corners are darker than the rest of the environment: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nazriamran/4173658912/
You can also try to crank up the AO/SSAO, that will definitely help too.
Your scene is looking great, can you take us through the post process effects / shaders you used?
Thanks for all the great comments and critique so far. I will be working to fix all those issues and more in the upcoming week. Here are a few posts of my models from the interior.
I can't wait to see more.