This is the first time posting any of my work on Polycount.
I'm currently a student. I started this test rather late and I am trying to sculpt my butt off as of lately. This is what I currently have and after going through several threads I feel that I effed up royally especially after seeing the actual in-game model. I've been trying to match the concept as close as possible. The concept has so many asymmetrical details from the metal bands on the right arm along with the one gold gauntlet to the leather strapped left arm.
Critiques are welcomed and just to clarify I am currently tweaking the proportions in Zbrush since I have to move out of Maya ASAP. I will go back and redo the metal flame wisps with more precision and girth when I feel I have everything else moving along. Thanks!
Well anyway, I'll try to continue with what I have and meet that deadline!
(There are so many fantastic WIPs on polycount, keep up the great work everyone!)

*I'm fully aware that with such little time till the deadline hits I might not achieve the quality that I'm aiming for but I will enjoy this till the last moment :]
The basemesh looks solid, now get sculpting! I can't wait to see your progress.