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Playstation Vita

polycounter lvl 11
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Andreas polycounter lvl 11
Searched but couldn't find a dedicated thread.


I'd love to get excited about this, it looks great, but I remember getting excited about the Move demo's... and have any of you battled with a sword and shield yet, or fired a bow and arrow at reanimated skeletons yet? No, me neither. :thumbdown: Sonys demos always seem more fun than the eventual application.

Still looking like a very nice handheld though, I'll probably be picking one up within a few months of release.


  • System
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    System admin
    Sorry to be that guy but:


    I was obscenely excited about this before TGS. I'm a huge PSP fan, and Monster Hunter obsessive so I was probably more excited than some, but after seeing Japans launch lineup, I'm a little disappointed. I'm glad they didn't go with some stupid faddy tech and focused on power, but IIRC, Uncharted is the only decent looking launch title for Japan at least.

    Sure, it'll be great once some of the announced titles release, but if that isn't very soon after launch then this will go the way of the 3DS (pre-price drop).

    In fact, with the upcoming 3DS games (MH 3D, MH4, Mario Kart, Mario 3D, Fire Emblem) I may even get one of those instead, and I've been totally uninterested in the 3DS up until now.

    Still exciting stuff, and it looks like a very capable handheld, but they need to fix that launch lineup a little I think.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    TeeJay wrote: »
    Sorry to be that guy but:

    Knew that was going to happen, what with the official name reveal and all :P

    I searched for 'Vita'. Maybe a mod can merge the threads.

    Yeah you'll want to pick up a 3DS, I read Nintendo poached MH. I saw a video too, looks good. Never got into MH myself, found it too tricky right from the very start, but will be keeping an eye on the new one...
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